marineenergy / www

Marine hydrokinetic energy & environmental compliance, website
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new static www layout pointing to app #24

Closed bbest closed 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

Currently: shows a landing page and menus that are embedded in the Shiny app that has a similar nav bar and look, e.g.

Next: will show a simpler landing page with a link going to a dedicated Shiny app.

I like as an example because it has:

See mockups and notes:


Next Steps:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Hey @geocoug,

This splash branch of apps repo looks super cool from your commit!

I was hoping that the home (ie splash) page could be statically rendered though, so not dependent on Shiny and therefore quick to load. You'll notice that bslib can be used to render Bootstrap 4/5 in Shiny apps or Rmarkdown pages, which is why I created this issue in the www repo. You might try these same carousel and layout in the www repo. Apologies if I misunderstood your commit.

bbest commented 2 years ago

Hi again @geocoug, ah I see you already tried on www per

bbest commented 2 years ago

Caleb: Why use Rmarkdown w/ all its wierdness and not just HTML?


  1. Common navigation using _site.yml
  2. Take advantage of widgets like DT::datatable used for Interactions
bbest commented 2 years ago

Created new branch splash with commit

Next steps: Caleb working on carousel and layout with bootstrap 4.

bbest commented 2 years ago

Caleb made some nice progress here:


bbest commented 2 years ago

Next Steps:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Got the goods for vector icons and raster background images from K&W all found here:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Well done with incorporating the latest imagery and style into the Carousel @cdobbelaere 🥳


Next Steps:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Looking darn good!


Here are a few more tips for layout with Bootstrap version 4 (what is specfied in _site.yml using bslib):

bbest commented 2 years ago

[ moved to top comment for checkboxed tasks to show up ]

bbest commented 2 years ago
  1. Add Reporting Tool to menu, esp. for navigating via phone image