mariocasciaro / gulp-concat-css

Concatenates css files, bubbling up import statements (as per the standard), and optionally rebasing urls and inlining local import statements.
MIT License
78 stars 19 forks source link

Failed to find subdir/imported.css in .../node_modules/gulp-concat-css/test/expected/build #27

Open mattfili opened 9 years ago

mattfili commented 9 years ago

gulp.task('gulp-concat', function() { return gulp .src('**/*.css') .pipe($.concatCss('public/lib/build.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('public/lib')); });

Trying to concatenate Bootstrap components in my Bower_Dependencies folder and I'm getting an error - don't know where to start looking

mariocasciaro commented 9 years ago

If you write gulp .src('**/*.css') you are concatenating ALL the css files in your project directory, including all npm_modules, test assets and things you don't really need. Try to explicitly select the css files you want to concatenate or create a single css file importing the files you want to concatenate (gulp-concat-css will inline those files for you)