mariocasciaro / gulp-concat-css

Concatenates css files, bubbling up import statements (as per the standard), and optionally rebasing urls and inlining local import statements.
MIT License
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Add support for dynamic targetFiles #34

Closed kingkool68 closed 8 years ago

kingkool68 commented 8 years ago

I have a pretty simple Gulp task to concat CSS files in a directory. The problem is I'm not combining them all in to one file but instead processing each CSS file in a directory and saving a new minified version of that file.

I want to be able to reference the current file being processed via gulp.src('css/*.css') Here is my gulpfile.js. How can I define the currentFileName variable instead of hardcoding a string?

var gulp = require('gulp');
var del = require('del');
var concatCSS = require('gulp-concat-css');
var cssnano = require('gulp-cssnano');

gulp.task('clean:min-css', function () {
    // Delete all *.min.css files in the CSS directory so we don't get duplicates
    return del([

gulp.task('default', ['clean:min-css'], function() {
        // Munge contents of @import statements into one file
        .pipe( concatCSS( currentFileName + '.min.css' ) )

        // minify CSS
        .pipe( cssnano() )

        // Save out the new file
        .pipe( gulp.dest('css/') );
mariocasciaro commented 8 years ago

Hi, please take a look a this

kingkool68 commented 8 years ago

Ah thanks for that. I managed to figure it out using the gul-foreach plugin

My gulpfile looks like this now.