mariofont / PHP-Login

Simple, easy-to-use, and database-free login system.
48 stars 33 forks source link

Password is stored as plain text and is not hashed #1

Closed Calebrw closed 7 years ago

Calebrw commented 7 years ago

My first concern is that the password is stored as plain text with no hashing. Take a look at PHP's password_hash function. While it is true that in theory an end-user should never see the raw PHP, it's certainly possible that something go wrong and then you have the end user's password out for the world to see. Given the fact that humans often re-use passwords, this means a hacker could gain access to other accounts.

Calebrw commented 7 years ago

2 Fixes some of these problems.

mariofont commented 7 years ago

Yep, should be fixed now.