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Nested View.ui #1370

Closed Leestex closed 10 years ago

Leestex commented 10 years ago

Add an ability to create and use nested "ui" storage.


ui: {
    buttons: {
        submit: '.container input[type=submit]',
        reset: '.aligned button.reset'
    fields: {
        title: 'input.title'


events: {
    'click @ui.buttons.submit': 'submitForm',
    'click @ui.buttons.reset': 'resetForm',
    'focus @ui.fields.title' : 'loadData'
samccone commented 10 years ago

Not sure how I feel about encouraging deeply nested objects in the UI hash. On one side I enjoy how declarative this is, and how it adds structure to the ui hash. However on the flipside If you need so many UI elements it might be a sign that your view is too large and has too many concerns.

On the fence not sure yet, but thanks for the interesting idea @Leestex

paulovieira commented 10 years ago

I agree. I think it would be one those nice-to-have features that I wouldn't recommend using. Marionette objects should encourage simplicity.

Anyway, this feature would essentially be a namespace for the ui entries. Then maybe it is possible to accomplish/emulate it with flat objects, using a dot in the key? Something like:

ui: {
    'buttons.submit' : '.container input[type=submit]',
    'buttons.reset' : '.aligned button.reset',
    'fields.title' : 'input.title'

Would this still work?

jamesplease commented 10 years ago

Interesting idea @Leestex! I'm with @samccone in that my views are usually so small that this seems like unnecessary organization. With that said I don't build complex forms or anything, which is where I can envision the ui hash growing quite large.

@paulovieira, your approach is also really neat! I like how succinct it is, yet at the same time it adds more string-magic to the library, which is a negative, I think. I'm not sure which of the two approaches I like better at the moment.

Also, on whether or not I think we should add it...I'm also with @samccone and not quite sure :)

jamiebuilds commented 10 years ago

@paulovieira that would lead to:

this.ui['buttons.submit'].on('click', ...);
jamesplease commented 10 years ago

@thejameskyle I think his idea is to do string-magic on it, like we do with modules.

'buttons.submit' would be ~~magically~~~* parsed into this.ui.buttons.submit

jamiebuilds commented 10 years ago

Oh I thought it was a suggestion for what you can do right now

jamesplease commented 10 years ago

ohhh you know what, I think I misinterpreted him. I think you're right.

samccone commented 10 years ago

Angular has this in $scope.$eval :)

Leestex commented 10 years ago

@paulovieira your example will not work, as regexp used to parse those values doesn't include a dot.

Leestex commented 10 years ago

I made some changes here But it breaks unit tests. It works for me on 1.8.6

Anachron commented 10 years ago

I've made some thoughts about this.

For now I don't think it's good enough. I suggest putting it on the V2 waiting list and encourage users to take part in the discussion.

jamesplease commented 10 years ago

I think this would be introduced in v3 at the earliest. v2 is already quite large, and I'm afraid if we keep putting things into v2 it will never be released :)

jamiebuilds commented 10 years ago

Thought about this a little more, and I think that we should pass on this.

The only use case I can see is a really long form, in which case a single view for it would get unnecessarily complicated and one should probably abstract the complicated functionality in other ways.

For example:

Other cases:

I think in terms of most UIs, if its getting so complex you need a nested ui hash, you're probably doing too much in one view that you should be breaking into multiple.

samccone commented 10 years ago

Closing for now, open to further discussion.

gabrielbull commented 10 years ago

:+1: For allowing nested ui elements.

If you need so many UI elements it might be a sign that your view is too large and has too many concerns.

In some cases the view has to have some complexity to it and this helps organize it.

gabrielbull commented 10 years ago

Here's a commit with the change:

jamiebuilds commented 10 years ago

@gabrielbull Do you have a use case outside of the stuff I listed previously?

  • I want to serialize my really long form => abstract it into a form serializer like Backbone.Syphon
  • I want to add dynamic sections to my form => break the dynamic sections into separate views, and add some kind of controller
  • I want to add data binding to my form => abstract it into a data-binding lib/plugin like stickit or modelbinder
gabrielbull commented 10 years ago

Besides better organisation, no, sorry, I don't have a better example.

jamiebuilds commented 10 years ago

@gabrielbull I don't think we should add complexity to the ui hash to support overloading it when there are better existing solutions. @marionettejs/marionette-core thoughts?

samccone commented 10 years ago

I am still -1 for my initially stated reasons

Anachron commented 10 years ago

Me too.