marionettejs / marionette-integrations

A collection of starter kits for building Marionette Applications
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use webpack-dev-server for dev experience #38

Closed royling closed 8 years ago

royling commented 8 years ago
royling commented 8 years ago

Do you mean to apply the config for all? need to copy it to target in yo command?

denar90 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I would like to.

royling commented 8 years ago

noted that .eslintrc and .gitignore are duplicated in each boilerplate. As my understanding, this is to support scaffolding without yeoman (directly get started from the boilerplate folder), right?

So is it OK to simply put .editorconfig file into each folder? I could also move these template files to a folder (shared between boilerplates) and copy them into destination in generateApp function, that will limit scaffolding to only yo command...

your thoughts?

denar90 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, but yo is not released yet, so I think better for now just put it into top level (for people who wanna contribute) for now.

royling commented 8 years ago

.editorconfig is put in the top level and also templates folder which will be generated to target in yo command.