marioparaschiv / nitro-sniper

🔫 A lightweight, fast and efficient discord nitro sniper, giveaway sniper & invite sniper.
820 stars 3.25k forks source link

[Bug] All tokens were invalid exiting process. #365

Closed FrancisKhian closed 2 years ago

FrancisKhian commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

I send the right token but It said the tokens were invalid exiting process. And this happens EVERY TIME. Pls fix the bug so I can snipe the nitros

To Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Then scroll down
  3. Then find the installation
  4. Then click the run on replit
  5. "Replit opens"
  6. Go back to
  7. Then click the this on like (Go to Secrets) (I guess)
  8. Copy the texts
  9. Then I go to secret of replit
  10. Then I click the paste
  11. Then I paste my main token
  12. Then add new secret
  13. Then I click the run
  14. In about 3 second It said "Your Bot is Alive!"
  15. Then It said in down "All tokens were invalid exiting process"
  16. Then the up again said "Hmm We couldn't reach your repl.

And that's the bug

Expected behavior

It should have Done I guess (can you pls do It for me I want to get free nitro 😭 )

Please provide your snipers settings.

   tokens: {
      // Main Token (ex: Nz...)
      // Alt Tokens (ex: Nz...)
      alts: [

   // The mode to run the sniper in. Options: main (only main account), alts (only alts), both
   mode: 'both',
      The status the accounts should be on.
      Options: online, dnd, idle, offline, default
      default means the status will not be modified.
   status: {
      // The status the main account will have IF it's logged in
      main: 'default',
      // The status the logged in alts will have
      alts: 'default'
   nitro: {
      // The amount of nitros needed to be sniped for the cooldown to activate
      max: 2,
      // Cooldown to activate after max nitro has been hit (in hours)
      cooldown: 24,
      dm: {
          * How long to wait before attempting to claim the nitro in DMs (in seconds)
          * This is to avoid suspicion when winning giveaways by slowing down the sniper from instantly sniping it.
         delay: 10
   giveaway: {
      // Wether or not to activate the giveaway sniper (true/false)
      enabled: true,
      // Delay to react to the giveaway (in seconds)
      delay: 30,
      // DM the hoster on giveaway win (true/false)
      dm: true,
      // Messages to DM the host
      dmMessages: [
         'Hey, i won the giveaway.',
         'Could i redeem my prize?'
      // How long to wait to DM (in seconds)
      dmDelay: 25,
      // How long to wait between messages (in seconds)
      messageDelay: 2,
      // Blacklisted words for giveaway prizes
      blacklistedWords: [
      // Only react to whitelisted giveaway prizes (true/false)
      whitelistOnly: false,
      // Whitelisted words for giveaway prizes
      whitelistedWords: [
      // Blacklisted Server IDs to not snipe giveaways on
      blacklistedServers: [
      // Only snipe giveaways on whitelisted servers (true/false)
      whitelistServersOnly: false,
      whitelistedServers: [
   invite: {
      // Wether or not to activate the invite sniper (true/false)
      enabled: false,
      delay: {
         // Minimum delay to join the server (in seconds)
         min: 10,
         // Maximum delay to join the server (in seconds)
         max: 20
      members: {
         // The minimum member count the server should have
         min: 1500,
         // The maximum member count the server should have
         max: 50000
      // The amount of joined invites needed for the cooldown to activate
      max: 10,
      // Cooldown to activate after max joined invites has been hit (in hours)
      cooldown: 6,
      // Whether to accept an invite on any other alt/account (depends on "mode") if the current alt has max servers (true/false)
      queue: true,
      // Whether to allow the main token to snipe invites ONLY if sniper mode is set to "both" (true/false)
      onlyAlts: true
   webhook: {
      // URL to fire webhook to for notifications (ex:
      url: '',
      enabled: {
         // Fire webhook on invalid code (true/false)
         codeInvalid: false,
         // Fire webhook on already redeemed code (true/false)
         codeAlreadyRedeemed: false,
         // Fire webhook on sniped code (true/false)
         codeSuccess: true,
         // Fire webhook on giveaway enter (true/false)
         giveawayEntered: true,
         // Fire webhook on giveaway win (true/false)
         giveawayWin: true,
         // Fire webhook on invite join (true/false)
         inviteJoin: false,
         // Fire webhook on failure of sniping invite (true/false)
         inviteFail: false
      mentionEveryone: {
         // Mention on invalid code (true/false)
         codeInvalid: false,
         // Mention on already redeemed code (true/false)
         codeAlreadyRedeemed: false,
         // Mention on sniped code (true/false)
         codeSuccess: true,
         // Mention on giveaway enter (true/false)
         giveawayEntered: false,
         // Mention on giveaway win (true/false)
         giveawayWin: true,
         // Mention on invite join (true/false)
         inviteJoin: false,
         // Mention on failure of sniping invite (true/false)
         inviteFail: false

What platform are you seeing the problem on?

Relevant log output if applicable.

No response

marioparaschiv commented 2 years ago

You left your tokens in there.

Also, your tokens are invalid, this isn't a bug.

Motzumoto commented 2 years ago

Discord invalidates tokens posted to github automatically

FrancisKhian commented 2 years ago

shis I forgot to remove my fricking token maybe they will hack me shis

FrancisKhian commented 2 years ago

How dumb I am

Motzumoto commented 2 years ago

shis I forgot to remove my fricking token maybe they will hack me shis

Discord Immediately invalidates tokens posted to GitHub. You're fine.