A scraper was built to get information from current NBA players recent performances from the most popular basketball database out there, https://www.basketball-reference.com/
A scraper was built to get information from current NBA players recent performances from the most popular basketball database out there, https://www.basketball-reference.com/
Main Objective
In this project, I built a scraper for a sports page database, the goal is check if I have gained mastery over the concepts learned throughout the Ruby block in Microverse, in particular, one of the requirements was to use a scraping library like Nokogiri.
I've also added an automated browser functionality with the Watir gem
The program does the following:
It searches for the player that you input in the console once you run the program
After the search is complete (Sometimes it can take up to 15 seconds) it extracts information from said player
The information is the points, assists, rebounds and fg achieved through each of the games of the current NBA season
After it extracts this information, it creates a report of the player avg throughout the season
It then creates a report of the player's recent performance (Last 10 games)
To finish things up, it compares the player's recent performance to its overall performance and it tells you whether the player is on a good streak or not
A scraper was built to get information from current NBA players recent performances from the most popular basketball database out there, https://www.basketball-reference.com/
Main Objective
In this project, I built a scraper for a sports page database, the goal is check if I have gained mastery over the concepts learned throughout the Ruby block in Microverse, in particular, one of the requirements was to use a scraping library like Nokogiri.
I've also added an automated browser functionality with the Watir gem
The program does the following: