mariotoffia / FluentDocker

Use docker, docker-compose local and remote in tests and your .NET core/full framework apps via a FluentAPI
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WaitForHttp not working for CosmosDb emulator container and no timeout #313

Closed diegosasw closed 5 months ago

diegosasw commented 5 months ago

I am using the library to spin up a CosmosDb emulator. The problem with this CosmosDb emulator is that it takes a while until it's ready to be used, so I need a good mechanism to wait.

I have tried the following because I know that it shows that message at the end. But, although it waits for it, it's not enough, as there is still a gap between the log message is added until the emulator is fully ready.

var cosmosDbService =
            new Builder()
                .ExposePort(8081, 8081)
                .ExposePortRange(10250, 10255)
                .WaitForMessageInLog("Started 11/11 partitions")

I think the best way is to wait for an Https file to be available such as the but I suspect the https may be causing problems, because it keeps waiting indefinitely without any errors when I run the service.

var cosmosDbService =
    new Builder()
        .ExposePort(8081, 8081)
        .ExposePortRange(10250, 10255)
            "https://localhost:8081/_explorer/emulator.pem", contentType: "text/plain")

However, I've added the cosmosDb certificate to the cert manager with elevated permissions

curl -k https://localhost:8081/_explorer/emulator.pem > emulatorcert.crt
certutil.exe -addstore root emulatorcert.crt

to ensure it is trusted. That didn't make any difference. I've also tried


which returns a 401 when the container is ready, but no luck either. It keeps waiting.

Is there any way I can see what's going on or any better approach for this scenario? The strange thing also is that if I set a small timeout, it timesout, but if I set something like 60000 it does not time out.

PS: The .WaitForHealthy() does not wait enough.

diegosasw commented 5 months ago

I had a look at how testcontainers for CosmosDb is waiting, and it follows the strategy of waiting for https://localhost/_explorer/emulator.pem until there is a successful response

Not sure about the magic of having the url without any port.

mariotoffia commented 5 months ago

Hi @diegosasw, could you try to do a "manual" wait instead to see if there's a bug or otherwise in FluentDocker.

You may add any "lambda" by using the .Wait("", (service, count) => "lambda") where the lambda function return 0, the wait is over and a positive integer is the number of milliseconds to wait before trying the lambda again.

A pseudo example:

    // Add the wait instead of WaitForHttp in the container builder
    fd.Wait("Wait for CosmosDb", (service, count) => MyWaitFunc(count, service))

    // The custom wait function
    private static int MyWaitFunc(int count, IContainerService service)
      if (count > 10)
        throw new FluentDockerException("Failed to wait for cosmosDb");

      var ep = service.ToHostExposedEndpoint("80/tcp");

      // Either manual
      var response = await $"http://{ep}/my_file.pem".Wget();

     // or use the FluentDocker WaitForHttp to see why it is failing (and fix the bug)     

The http wait function is pretty simple:

    public static void WaitForHttp(this IContainerService service, string url, long timeout = 60_000,
      Func<RequestResponse, int, long> continuation = null, HttpMethod method = null,
      string contentType = "application/json", string body = null)
      var wait = null == continuation ? timeout : 0;
      var count = 0;
        var time = Millis;

        var request = url.DoRequest(method, contentType, body).Result;
        if (null != continuation)
          wait = continuation.Invoke(request, count++);
          time = Millis - time;
          wait = request.Code != HttpStatusCode.OK ? wait - time : -1;

        if (wait > 0)

      } while (wait > 0);

Cheers, Mario

diegosasw commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your help, it seemed, indeed, a problem with the SSL, but thanks to your suggestion I managed to add a custom Wait logic that works well. Here are the extensions methods

public static class ContainerBuilderExtensions
    public static ContainerBuilder ExposePortRange(this ContainerBuilder containerBuilder, int start, int end)
        for (var port = start; port <= end; port++)

        return containerBuilder;

    public static ContainerBuilder WaitForHttps(
        this ContainerBuilder builder, 
        string url, 
        bool ignoreSslErrors = false,
        int retries = 40, 
        int delayMilliseconds = 5000)
        return builder.Wait("Wait for Https", (_, count) =>
            if (count > retries)
                var secondsWaited = count * (delayMilliseconds / 1000);
                throw new FluentDockerException($"Failed to wait for {url} after {secondsWaited} seconds");

            var httpClientHandler =
                    ? new HttpClientHandler { ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (_, _, _, _) => true }
                    : new HttpClientHandler();

            using var client = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);
                var response = client.GetAsync(url).Result;
                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    return 0;
            catch (Exception)
                // ignored

            return 1;

And it can be used with CosmosDB (or any other service which requires waiting for an https url) specifying that SSL errors should be ignored

var cosmosDbService =
    new Builder()
        .ExposePort(8081, 8081)
        .ExposePortRange(10250, 10255)
        .WaitForHttps("https://localhost:8081/_explorer/emulator.pem", ignoreSslErrors: true)

mariotoffia commented 5 months ago

Thanks for publishing your solution, I'll be sure to add the verifySSL {true, false} flag to the WaitForHttp in future.

Cheers, Mario