marius-team / marius

Large scale graph learning on a single machine.
Apache License 2.0
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Very high memory allocation during preprocessing #117

Closed johankit closed 1 year ago

johankit commented 1 year ago

Problem description

When preprocessing my data set in the .tsv format to prepare it for training and splitting into four partitions, I receive an out-of-memory error.

I used the command: marius_preprocess --output_dir /mount/marius_preprocessed/works/ --edges /mount/data/works.tsv --dataset_split 0.8 0.1 0.1 --columns 0 1 2 --num_partitions 4

However, during preprocessing I encounter the error:

unique_nodes = np.unique(np.concatenate([unique_src.astype(str), unique_dst.astype(str)])) numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 612GiB for an array with shape (167416627, ).

The input file is 46GB in size and contains about 1 billion lines (triples). And the instance I'm using has 500GB of memory. It seems the array has the 'length' equal to the number of unique entities in the input file.

The error occurs after the remapping of edges step has started. Changing the number of partitions did not help. I am running the tool in a Docker container, the behavior without container was similar though.

I understand Marius was built for efficient embeddings generation on lower-capacity machines when training. Is there any way to reduce the resource needs during preproccesing as well? Perhaps any modifications in the .tsv file from my side that could support the preprocessing?

Expected behavior

Preprocessing of raw input (.nt or .tsv files) into ready-to-train partitions, with comparable resource requirements as during the embeddings training.


root@6fd91055d209:/# marius_env_info
  version: 3.20.0
  num_cpus: 32
  total_memory: 503GB
  version: '11.1'
gpu_info: []
  bindings_installed: true
  install_path: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius
  version: 0.0.2
  version: '201511'
  platform: Linux-4.19.0-13-amd64-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-18.04-bionic
  PYBIND11_BUILD_ABI: _cxxabi1011
  PYBIND11_STDLIB: _libstdcpp
  compiler: GCC 8.4.0
    numpy_version: 1.19.5
    omegaconf_version: 2.2.3
    pandas_version: 1.1.5
    pip_version: 9.0.1
    pyspark_version: 3.2.2
    pytest_version: 7.0.1
    torch_version: 1.9.1+cu111
    tox_version: 3.26.0
  version: 3.6.9
  install_path: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch
  version: 1.9.1+cu111

Thank you!

JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

It definitely looks like you should have enough memory to preprocess this dataset. Let's get to the bottom of this.

The OOM error is on an array with 167 million elements and takes up 612GiB. So this means that each element (node_id) takes up about ~4KB on average. That seems far too high for a simple node_id, especially since your triple file only has 46GB (which implies only 46 bytes per triple with 1B triples).

What does the tsv look like? Worth checking if the delimiter is actually a tab. Does it look something like:

src_label    rel_label    dst_label
"node_src_0"    "rel_0"    "node_dst_0"
"node_src_1"    "rel_1"    "node_dst_1"
"node_src_2"    "rel_2"    "node_dst_2"
"node_src_3"    "rel_3"    "node_dst_3"

I'm wondering if numpy is doing something strange in the backend when handling strings, like allocating too much memory per element in this operation: np.concatenate([unique_src.astype(str), unique_dst.astype(str)])

We have two options for a workaround here:

  1. Write a python script to call the TorchEdgeListConverter similar to ogbl_citation2. Where a 2D numpy array for your edge list is passed into the TorchEdgeListConverter class, and the raw string ids are converted into integer ids manually before input. Using np.loadtxt("/mount/data/works.tsv") with the proper arguments should work to read in your edge list. This will go down a different code path than the line that throws the error and should bypass the problem.

The usage of the TorchEdgeListConverter will look like:

import numpy as np 
from import TorchEdgeListConverter

train_list = np.loadtxt("/mount/data/works.tsv", delimiter="/t", skiprows=header_length)

# convert string ids to integer ids using custom code written by you
train_list = convert_to_integers(train_list)

converter = TorchEdgeListConverter(
    columns=[0, 1, 2],
    splits=[.8, .1, .1])


Full list of arguments for the TorchEdgeListConverter located here

  1. Try using spark preprocessing. This requires pyspark (and the jvm) installed to run. You can use this version of the preprocessing by passing --spark to the preprocessor. This will be a bit slower than the in-memory preprocessing but should be able to handle strings better.
johankit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response!

I tried the conversion using Spark just now, it gives me the same error unfortunately. See the full log below. Interestingly, the allocated memory peaks at approx. 160GB during reading and remapping, then declines at one point until numpy's OOM error crashes the execution.

My .tsv has the following structure. According to Notepad++, real tabs are used as delimiters (not whitespaces).

node1   label   node2
n1:W2294004008  n2:hasRelatedWork       n1:W2258524308
n1:W2026714175  n2:citedByCount 1
n1:W3157275129  n2:isRetracted  False

I'll look into writing the custom script for manual preprocessing. Do I understand correctly, that the TorchEdgeListConverter class requires an edge list like the below form? Meaning I'd go through the .tsv to assign each unique entry an integer ID. Just as an example, not related to my tsv above:

node1   label   node2
0          1         2
0          3         4
2          1         5

The error log:

Preprocess custom dataset
Reading edges
Remapping Edges
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/marius_preprocess", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('marius==0.0.2', 'console_scripts', 'marius_preprocess')()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/tools/", line 160, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/tools/preprocess/", line 66, in preprocess
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/tools/preprocess/converters/", line 521, in convert
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/tools/preprocess/converters/", line 148, in map_edge_lists
    return map_edge_list_dfs(edge_lists, known_node_ids, sequential_train_nodes, sequential_deg_nodes)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/tools/preprocess/converters/", line 88, in map_edge_list_dfs
    unique_nodes = np.unique(np.concatenate([unique_src.astype(str), unique_dst.astype(str)]))
numpy.core._exceptions.MemoryError: Unable to allocate 612. GiB for an array with shape (167416627,) and data type <U981
JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

Hmm I will investigate the spark issue, sorry for the problems!

Do I understand correctly, that the TorchEdgeListConverter class requires an edge list like the below form?

Yes that is correct, however, the edge types (labels) and nodes don't need to be considered together when assigning ids. So all node ids are in the range [0, num_nodes - 1] and all edge_types are in the range [0, num_edge_types - 1]. So your example edge list will look like:

node1   label   node2
0          0         1
0          1         3
1          0         4

One other thing, I noticed that your edge list contains edges where the destination nodes are literal values. E.g. n1:W2026714175 n2:citedByCount 1 and n1:W3157275129 n2:isRetracted False. You may want to consider removing those edges, as I'm not sure how well a graph embedding model will be able to learn embeddings for literals, and it might adversely impact the quality of the embeddings for the entities in your graph. If you don't remove these edges, you will learn embeddings for each literal value that appears in your edge list (0, 1, 2, ..., True, False, etc.), but these embeddings are unlikely to be useful or meaningful.

johankit commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks for clearing that up!

I managed to convert my .tsv to an integer-only format like the one you described. I'm saving the transformed mapping as a .csv file for re-use, since the graph I'm working with is larger than the file described above (only a subset for initial testing). This .csv I'm handing over as the input file for the marius_preprocessing command with the additional parameters --no_remap_ids -d ','

I further modified a version of, which is used by as the module to work with my custom dataset I assume. In that, I'm passing the explicit arguments num_nodesand num_relsto the TorchEdgeListConverter.

The setup works as far as I can tell and partitions the given edges without any expensive remapping. It still requires a lot of memory though, roughly 4-fold the file size if not more, but that may be due to the high number of unique entities. With spark, memory allocation was about the size of the file at first, however very slow and aborted in phase 10 due to a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error. Anyways I was able to run pre-processing without spark and am now in the process of training.

For this, I am now wondering how the required GPU memory is determined.
Are all embeddings loaded into GPU mem. when the config file is set to embeddings: type: DEVICE or just partially? Since the 24GB my GPU has to offer kept giving me CUDA memory allocation errors, I then switched to embeddings: type: HOST_MEMORY. Also, does the CPU memory scale linearly with the number of edges / inversely with the number of partitions? In other words, I am thinking how to reduce both GPU and CPU memory requirements by working with more partitions or modifying the config file.

Plus, regarding the literals. I am removing them for now but planning to incorporate them into the embeddings later on as additional information describing the entities. Thanks for the hint nevertheless!

JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

Storage configuration

For this, I am now wondering how the required GPU memory is determined. Are all embeddings loaded into GPU mem. when the config file is set to embeddings: type: DEVICE or just partially? Since the 24GB my GPU has to offer kept giving me CUDA memory allocation errors, I then switched to embeddings: type: HOST_MEMORY.

embeddings.type: DEVICE_MEMORY should not be used as that will attempt to load all embeddings into GPU memory.

In order to use the partition buffer your storage should be set to embeddings.type: PARTITION_BUFFER. In this configuration, buffer_capacity partitions are stored in CPU memory during training.

Example storage configuration:

  device_type: cuda
    dataset_dir: <your_path>
    type: HOST_MEMORY
      dtype: int
      dtype: float
      num_partitions: 4
      buffer_capacity: 2

In your case, I actually don't think you need to use partitioning to train since you likely have enough CPU memory (500 GB). I recommend storing your embeddings in CPU memory as follows.

  device_type: cuda
    dataset_dir: <your_path>
    type: HOST_MEMORY
      dtype: int
    type: HOST_MEMORY
      dtype: float

You do not need to preprocess the graph again to use this configuration

Memory usage

Also, does the CPU memory scale linearly with the number of edges / inversely with the number of partitions? In other words, I am thinking how to reduce both GPU and CPU memory requirements by working with more partitions or modifying the config file.

Memory usage for GPU and CPU depends on the exact configuration, but it is largely driven by the number of embeddings stored in memory.

So if the storage.embeddings or storage.edges is set to DEVICE_MEMORY, the system will attempt to allocate that many bytes in the GPU.

If storage.embeddings or storage.edges is set to HOST_MEMORY, the system will attempt to allocate that many bytes in the CPU. The GPU memory usage in this case is driven by the batch size. This is likely the best option for you unless you are training very large (d > 400) embeddings

For partitioned training (storage.embeddings set to PARTITION_BUFFER) the partitions are stored in CPU memory. The CPU memory used by the embeddings is d * num_nodes * (buffer_capacity / num_partitions) * 4 bytes

Configuring the pipeline To improve training throughput, you can use asynchronous training (although this may slightly degrade model quality). Here's a pipeline configuration which should work well for your machine:

  sync: false
  staleness_bound: 16
  batch_loader_threads: 8
  gradient_update_threads: 8

Alternatively, you can use synchronous training (this is the default), which will be slower but won't have any loss in quality :

  sync: true
johankit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed response! It very much helped me to get the initial training going.

However, I encountered an error regarding the Partition Buffer for the embedding storage.

First I tried training with the HOST_MEMORY option for both edges and embeddings, the process ran out of memory though. I then set out to partition the embeddings using the PARTITION_BUFFER setting, in accordance to the number of partitions I created during preprocessing (40 partitions).

The excerpt of the config .yaml I used:

    type: HOST_MEMORY
      dtype: float
      num_partitions: 40
      buffer_capacity: 10
    save_model: false

The preprocessing command used: marius_preprocess --output_dir /mount/all_objects_v8_40/ --edges /mount/all_objects_v8_mapped.csv -d ',' --dataset_split 0.99 0.005 0.005 --columns 0 1 2 --num_partitions 40 --no_remap_ids --overwrite

With these two steps the training process returned the following error and aborted training:

$ marius_train /mcon/lp_50dim_partitioned.yaml
[2022-10-12 18:11:34.322] [info] [marius.cpp:41] Start initialization
[10/12/22 18:17:18.597] Initialization Complete: 344.291s
[10/12/22 18:17:18.605] Generating New Beta Ordering
[10/12/22 18:18:53.705] ################ Starting training epoch 1 ################
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::IndexError'
  what():  index out of range in self
Exception raised from operator() at ../aten/src/ATen/native/TensorAdvancedIndexing.cpp:849 (most recent call first):
frame #0: c10::Error::Error(c10::SourceLocation, std::string) + 0x42 (0x14ead0cd9a22 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #1: <unknown function> + 0x128fd5a (0x14ead23e7d5a in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #2: GOMP_parallel + 0x3f (0x14eb7720d05f in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #3: <unknown function> + 0x128e314 (0x14ead23e6314 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #4: at::native::index_select_out_cpu_(at::Tensor const&, long, at::Tensor const&, at::Tensor&) + 0x223a (0x14ead23fa3fa in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #5: at::native::index_select_cpu_(at::Tensor const&, long, at::Tensor const&) + 0x60 (0x14ead23faec0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #6: <unknown function> + 0x1a17fe2 (0x14ead2b6ffe2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #7: at::redispatch::index_select(c10::DispatchKeySet, at::Tensor const&, long, at::Tensor const&) + 0xb4 (0x14ead29f23a4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #8: <unknown function> + 0x30280c1 (0x14ead41800c1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #9: <unknown function> + 0x3028515 (0x14ead4180515 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #10: at::Tensor::index_select(long, at::Tensor const&) const + 0x155 (0x14ead2eb96b5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/lib/
frame #11: PartitionBuffer::indexRead(at::Tensor) + 0x46 (0x14e9e42c4086 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #12: PartitionBufferStorage::indexRead(at::Tensor) + 0x42 (0x14e9e42dca62 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #13: GraphModelStorage::getNodeEmbeddings(at::Tensor) + 0x5e (0x14e9e42ce80e in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #14: DataLoader::loadCPUParameters(std::shared_ptr<Batch>) + 0x79 (0x14e9e423bba9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #15: DataLoader::getBatch(c10::optional<c10::Device>, bool) + 0xdd (0x14e9e423fdfd in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #16: LoadBatchWorker::run() + 0x15c (0x14e9e42ae34c in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/marius/
frame #17: <unknown function> + 0xd44c0 (0x14eb76ec64c0 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
frame #18: <unknown function> + 0x76db (0x14eb7a2a66db in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
frame #19: clone + 0x3f (0x14eb7a5df61f in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Aborted (core dumped)

How can I interpret this error?

Right now I am training with the entire set of embeddings in HOST_MEMORYand the edges as FLAT_FILE, it is running smooth but fairly slow.

JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

First I tried training with the HOST_MEMORY option for both edges and embeddings, the process ran out of memory though.

This is good to know, we are aware of some issues with the memory overhead of the edges and have identified some fixes.

Glad to hear that the configuration with embeddings in HOST_MEMORY and edges in FLAT_FILE is working. When you say it's slow do you have an estimate of the number of edges per second? Throughput depends on the model, batch size, negative sampling, and pipeline configuration used. For well-optimized configurations of simple models (e.g. DistMult, TransE, ComplEx), I would expect about 500k to 1 million edges per second. If you post your full config file I can give some pointers for optimizations.

With these two steps the training process returned the following error and aborted training:

This is a tough bug. It is saying that the node ids used to read the embeddings are not in the expected range. I'm not sure what the cause is exactly but my initial guess would be the preprocessing is not correct. What are the contents of /mount/all_objects_v8_40/dataset.yaml? I'm guessing that the --no_remap_ids option is not able to detect the correct number of nodes for the graph, causing the expected range of node_ids to be incorrect. If this is the case then the fix should be simple.

johankit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response!

Glad to hear that the configuration with embeddings in HOST_MEMORY and edges in FLAT_FILE is working. When you say it's slow do you have an estimate of the number of edges per second?

My training log shows 6610355ms runtime and 452470.78 edges per second. With the same config but active pipelining, this rate went down to around 170321 edges per second. Below is the config I used for the run without pipelining:

  learning_task: LINK_PREDICTION
      - - type: EMBEDDING
          output_dim: 100
    type: DISTMULT
      input_dim: 50
    type: SOFTMAX_CE
      reduction: SUM
      type: ADAM
        learning_rate: 0.1
      type: ADAGRAD
        learning_rate: 0.1
  device_type: cuda
    dataset_dir: /mount/all_objects_v8_40/
    type: FLAT_FILE
      dtype: int
    type: HOST_MEMORY
      dtype: float
    save_model: false
  batch_size: 16000
    num_chunks: 10
    negatives_per_positive: 500
    degree_fraction: 0.0
    filtered: false
  num_epochs: 3
    sync: false
    staleness_bound: 16
    batch_loader_threads: 8
    gradient_update_threads: 8
  epochs_per_shuffle: 1
  logs_per_epoch: 20
  batch_size: 1000
    filtered: false
    sync: false
    staleness_bound: 16
    batch_loader_threads: 8
    gradient_update_threads: 8

When trying to run a very similar config as above but with 3-layer GAT or Graph Sage as with the configs suggested in your documentation page instead, I encountered CUDA OOM errors. For these runs, I initially reduced the training batch size to 3000.

Is it correct to assume the error may be due to the three layer networks trying to load all 3-hop neighbors into GPU memory? I tried reducing the training batch size further, however this didn't significantly change the required GPU memory. Next, I'll decrease the network size to two layers. The CUDA OOM error is below.

[10/16/22 19:29:01.673] ################ Starting training epoch 1 ################
[W BucketizationUtils.h:20] Warning: input value tensor is non-contiguous, this will lower the performance due to extra data copy when converting non-contiguous tensor to contiguous, please use contiguous input value tensor if possible (function operator())
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::CUDAOutOfMemoryError'
  what():  CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 73.36 GiB 

Is there perhaps any way to make training of the GNNs more slim without dramatically reducing the dimensions?

What are the contents of /mount/all_objects_v8_40/dataset.yaml? I'm guessing that the --no_remap_ids option is not able to detect the correct number of nodes for the graph, causing the expected range of node_ids to be incorrect. If this is the case then the fix should be simple.

The contents of the .yaml file are:

dataset_dir: /mount/mmm/mdat/all_objects_v8_40/
num_edges: 2990992480
num_nodes: 430973178
num_relations: 6
num_train: 2990992480
num_valid: 2996986
num_test: 2996987
node_feature_dim: -1
rel_feature_dim: -1
num_classes: -1
initialized: false

And in the script I passed the same number of nodes and relations for preprocessing to TorchEdgeListConverter. I'll re-run the preprocessing again with a lower number of partitions and double check the node count to see if this makes a difference!

Thank you!

JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay!

My training log shows 6610355ms runtime and 452470.78 edges per second. With the same config but active pipelining, this rate went down to around 170321 edges per second.

Nice, these are expected throughputs for DistMult.

Is it correct to assume the error may be due to the three layer networks trying to load all 3-hop neighbors into GPU memory? I tried reducing the training batch size further, however this didn't significantly change the required GPU memory. Next, I'll decrease the network size to two layers. The CUDA OOM error is below.

Yes that is correct. In order to train a GNN at this scale you will need to perform neighbor sampling instead of getting all neighbors.

Here is a GNN configuration I typically use on large-scale graphs. It has a single graph sage layer where neighbors are sampled. This will train somewhere around 2x slower than DistMult. If you wanted to use GAT, this may give better quality embeddings but will train much slower as it is more computationally expensive (maybe around 10x slower than DistMult).

  learning_task: LINK_PREDICTION
      - type: UNIFORM
          max_neighbors: 10
      - - type: EMBEDDING
          output_dim: 50
          bias: true
      - - type: GNN
          input_dim: 50
          output_dim: 50
            type: GRAPH_SAGE
          bias: true
    type: DISTMULT
      input_dim: 50
    type: SOFTMAX_CE
      reduction: SUM
      type: ADAM
        learning_rate: 0.1
      type: ADAGRAD
        learning_rate: 0.1

You can add more GNN layers if needed, but you may need to reduce the batch size or the number of neighbors sampled at each layer. Here's a 2 layer GNN encoder as an example.

      - type: UNIFORM
          max_neighbors: 15
      - type: UNIFORM
          max_neighbors: 5
      - - type: EMBEDDING
          output_dim: 50
          bias: true
      - - type: GNN
          input_dim: 50
          output_dim: 50
            type: GRAPH_SAGE
          bias: true
      - - type: GNN
          input_dim: 50
          output_dim: 50
            type: GRAPH_SAGE
          bias: true
johankit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the two suggested GNN configurations. Using these, I was able to train a few networks! With the option pipeline: snyc: false the evaluation of GNNs did not work, as it generated an error with the comment terminate called recursively (memory was not . It then worked using pipeline: sync: true for evaluation

I'm planning to compare the GNNs to more conventional approaches such as TransE or ComplEx on the full data set. However for both these models, the training goes through but the evaluation fails due to OOM.

How can this be explained? Since the number of embeddings stored in memory does not increase when evaluating? I stored the edges at FLAT_FILEand the embeddings in HOST_MEMORY. Perhaps the evaluation set is loaded into memory as one large chunk as well? Is there any way to reduce the additional CPU memory load that the evaluation causes? I already tried modfying the batch size and the parameters regarding the negative sampling, without noticeable effect.

Thank you!

JasonMoho commented 1 year ago

One thing to make sure evaluation.negative_sampling.filtered is set to false. If enabled, this will cause the evaluation to use a large amount of memory, as data structures are maintained in memory for fast negative filtering over the entire graph. This works fine on small graphs but not large ones. If you need to evaluate with filtered negatives, I have a python script lying around which is able to compute filtered MRR on large-scale graphs. If needed I can clean it up and share it.

Do you see this issue with the non-GNN models? (TransE, ComplEx, etc.). GNNs require additional data structures in memory, which might be the root cause of this OOM. On our end, we have been working on optimizations to reduce the memory overhead.

As a workaround you can try the following: You can disable evaluation during training and then evaluate once all training epochs are complete with marius_eval

To do this, set evaluation.epochs_per_eval > training.num_epochs. So if you are training 3 epochs, then set evaluation.epochs_per_eval to at least 4. This will cause the evaluation to be skipped during training.

Once training is complete, you can run marius_eval <config_file>. This will return the MRR on the test set.

If you want to evaluate every epoch. You can perform the above process one epoch at a time by setting training. resume_training=true

johankit commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the explanation. I was able to train and evaluate separately using that workaround!

With this, I'm closing this issue as it has been resolved for me. Thanks again for the support.