Closed come-nc closed 1 year ago
Browser and Version: Client OS and Version:
I stumbled on this issue in logs, and it seems to still be present in master, since overrides what’s in
Not sure if this leads to a problematic behavior.
{ "reqId": "***", "level": 2, "time": "***", "remoteAddr": "", "user": "--", "app": "no app in context", "method": "", "url": "--", "message": "Using where() on non-empty WHERE part, please verify it is intentional to not call whereAnd() or whereOr() instead. Otherwise consider creating a new query builder object or call resetQueryPart('where') first.", "userAgent": "--", "version": "", "exception": { "Exception": "Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryException", "Message": "Using where() on non-empty WHERE part, please verify it is intentional to not call whereAnd() or whereOr() instead. Otherwise consider creating a new query builder object or call resetQueryPart('where') first.", "Code": 0, "Trace": [ { "file": "***/nextcloud/apps/passwords/lib/Db/SessionMapper.php", "line": 29, "function": "where", "class": "OC\\DB\\QueryBuilder\\QueryBuilder", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/apps/passwords/lib/Helper/CleanUp/CleanSessionsHelper.php", "line": 45, "function": "findAllOlderThan", "class": "OCA\\Passwords\\Db\\SessionMapper", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/apps/passwords/lib/Cron/CleanUpEntities.php", "line": 59, "function": "run", "class": "OCA\\Passwords\\Helper\\CleanUp\\CleanSessionsHelper", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/apps/passwords/lib/Cron/AbstractTimedJob.php", "line": 59, "function": "runJob", "class": "OCA\\Passwords\\Cron\\CleanUpEntities", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/Job.php", "line": 81, "function": "run", "class": "OCA\\Passwords\\Cron\\AbstractTimedJob", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php", "line": 103, "function": "start", "class": "OCP\\BackgroundJob\\Job", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php", "line": 93, "function": "start", "class": "OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob", "type": "->" }, { "file": "***/nextcloud/cron.php", "line": 152, "function": "execute", "class": "OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob", "type": "->" } ], "File": "***/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilder.php", "Line": 869, "message": "Using where() on non-empty WHERE part, please verify it is intentional to not call whereAnd() or whereOr() instead. Otherwise consider creating a new query builder object or call resetQueryPart('where') first.", "exception": {}, "CustomMessage": "Using where() on non-empty WHERE part, please verify it is intentional to not call whereAnd() or whereOr() instead. Otherwise consider creating a new query builder object or call resetQueryPart('where') first." } }
No response
This should be fixed with 2023.10.0
⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️
Server Information
Client Information
Browser and Version: Client OS and Version:
Bug description
I stumbled on this issue in logs, and it seems to still be present in master, since overrides what’s in
Not sure if this leads to a problematic behavior.
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
Nextcloud Logs
Browser Logs
No response