mariusmotea / diyHue

Philips Hue emulator that is able to control multiple types of lights
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Unable to discover lights. ESP8266 & SK6812 #133

Closed raymon124 closed 6 years ago

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Hi there, I complied my sketch for the SK6812 on the esp8266 but after restarting the esp8266 the hue app is unable to find the light. I have tried static and non static ip address. But I cant seem to find the problem. Let me know what you guys need to diagnose this, I will gladly pass it along. Troubleshooting this has driven me crazy.

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

Hi, Check the following:

In order to debug please run manually with sudo and provide the output during lights discovery process.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Just to add I have attached my hue emulator service picture and the code running on the esp8266.

screen shot 2018-01-01 at 9 55 14 pm









define lightsCount 1

define pixelCount 5

// if you want to setup static ip uncomment these 3 lines and line 72 //IPAddress strip_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 30); //IPAddress gateway_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 1); //IPAddress subnet_mask(255, 255, 255, 0);

uint8_t rgbw[lightsCount][1], color_mode[lightsCount], scene; bool light_state[lightsCount], in_transition; int transitiontime[lightsCount], ct[lightsCount], hue[lightsCount], bri[lightsCount], sat[lightsCount]; float step_level[lightsCount][1], current_rgbw[lightsCount][1 ], x[lightsCount], y[lightsCount]; byte mac[6];

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

RgbwColor red = RgbwColor(255, 0, 0, 0); RgbwColor green = RgbwColor(0, 255, 0, 0); RgbwColor blue = RgbwColor(0, 0, 255, 0); RgbwColor white = RgbwColor(255); RgbwColor black = RgbwColor(0);

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbwFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(pixelCount);

void convert_hue(uint8_t light) { double hh, p, q, t, ff, s, v; long i;

rgbw[light][3] = 0; s = sat[light] / 255.0; v = bri[light] / 255.0;

if (s <= 0.0) { // < is bogus, just shuts up warnings rgbw[light][0] = v; rgbw[light][1] = v; rgbw[light][2] = v; return; } hh = hue[light]; if (hh >= 65535.0) hh = 0.0; hh /= 11850, 0; i = (long)hh; ff = hh - i; p = v (1.0 - s); q = v (1.0 - (s ff)); t = v (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - ff)));

switch (i) { case 0: rgbw[light][0] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = t 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = p 255.0; break; case 1: rgbw[light][0] = q 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = p 255.0; break; case 2: rgbw[light][0] = p 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = t * 255.0; break;

case 3:
  rgbw[light][0] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = q * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = v * 255.0;
case 4:
  rgbw[light][0] = t * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = v * 255.0;
case 5:
  rgbw[light][0] = v * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = q * 255.0;



void convert_xy(uint8_t light) { float Y = y[light]; float X = x[light]; float Z = 1.0f - x[light] - y[light];

// sRGB D65 conversion float r = X 3.2406f - Y 1.5372f - Z 0.4986f; float g = -X 0.9689f + Y 1.8758f + Z 0.0415f; float b = X 0.0557f - Y 0.2040f + Z * 1.0570f;

// Apply gamma correction r = r <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f r : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(r, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f; g = g <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f g : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(g, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f; b = b <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f b : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(b, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f;

if (r > b && r > g) { // red is biggest if (r > 1.0f) { g = g / r; b = b / r; r = 1.0f; } } else if (g > b && g > r) { // green is biggest if (g > 1.0f) { r = r / g; b = b / g; g = 1.0f; } } else if (b > r && b > g) { // blue is biggest if (b > 1.0f) { r = r / b; g = g / b; b = 1.0f; } }

r = r < 0 ? 0 : r; g = g < 0 ? 0 : g; b = b < 0 ? 0 : b;

rgbw[light][0] = (int) (r bri[light]); rgbw[light][1] = (int) (g bri[light]); rgbw[light][2] = (int) (b * bri[light]); rgbw[light][3] = 0; }

void convert_ct(uint8_t light) { int hectemp = 10000 / ct[light]; int r, g, b; if (hectemp <= 66) { r = 255; g = 99.4708025861 log(hectemp) - 161.1195681661; b = hectemp <= 19 ? 0 : (138.5177312231 log(hectemp - 10) - 305.0447927307); } else { r = 329.698727446 pow(hectemp - 60, -0.1332047592); g = 288.1221695283 pow(hectemp - 60, -0.0755148492); b = 255; } r = r > 255 ? 255 : r; g = g > 255 ? 255 : g; b = b > 255 ? 255 : b; rgbw[light][0] = r (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][1] = g (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][2] = b * (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][3] = bri[light]; }

void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n"; } server.send(404, "text/plain", message); }

void infoLight(RgbwColor color) { // Flash the strip in the selected color. White = booted, green = WLAN connected, red = WLAN could not connect for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) { strip.SetPixelColor(i, color); strip.Show(); delay(10); strip.SetPixelColor(i, black); strip.Show(); } }

void apply_scene(uint8_t new_scene, uint8_t light) { if ( new_scene == 0) { bri[light] = 144; ct[light] = 447; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 1) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 346; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 2) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 233; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 3) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 156; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 4) { bri[light] = 77; ct[light] = 367; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 5) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 447; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 6) { bri[light] = 1; x[light] = 0.561; y[light] = 0.4042; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 7) { bri[light] = 203; x[light] = 0.380328; y[light] = 0.39986; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 8) { bri[light] = 112; x[light] = 0.359168; y[light] = 0.28807; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 9) { bri[light] = 142; x[light] = 0.267102; y[light] = 0.23755; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 10) { bri[light] = 216; x [light] = 0.393209; y[light] = 0.29961; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } }

void lightEngine() { for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { if (light_state[i]) { if (rgbw[i][0] != current_rgbw[i][0] || rgbw[i][1] != current_rgbw[i][1] || rgbw[i][2] != current_rgbw[i][2] || rgbw[i][3] != current_rgbw[i][3]) { in_transition = true; for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 3; k++) { if (rgbw[i][k] != current_rgbw[i][k]) current_rgbw[i][k] += step_level[i][k]; if ((step_level[i][k] > 0.0 && current_rgbw[i][k] > rgbw[i][k]) || (step_level[i][k] < 0.0 && current_rgbw[i][k] < rgbw[i][k])) current_rgbw[i][k] = rgbw[i][k]; } for (int j = 0; j < pixelCount / lightsCount ; j++) { strip.SetPixelColor(j + i pixelCount / lightsCount, RgbwColor((int)current_rgbw[i][0], (int)current_rgbw[i][1], (int)current_rgbw[i][2], (int)current_rgbw[i][3])); } strip.Show(); } } else { if (current_rgbw[i][0] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][1] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][2] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][3] != 0) { in_transition = true; for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 3; k++) { if (current_rgbw[i][k] != 0) current_rgbw[i][k] -= step_level[i][k]; if (current_rgbw[i][k] < 0) current_rgbw[i][k] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < pixelCount / lightsCount ; j++) { strip.SetPixelColor(j + i pixelCount / lightsCount, RgbwColor((int)current_rgbw[i][0], (int)current_rgbw[i][1], (int)current_rgbw[i][2], (int)current_rgbw[i][3])); } strip.Show(); } } } if (in_transition) { delay(6); in_transition = false; } }

void setup() { strip.Begin(); strip.Show(); EEPROM.begin(512);

//WiFi.config(strip_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_mask);

for (uint8_t light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) { float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; apply_scene(, light); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { step_level[light][j] = ((float)rgbw[light][j] - current_rgbw[light][j]) / transitiontime; } }

if ( == 1 || ( == 0 && == 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { light_state[i] = true; } for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { lightEngine(); } } WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.autoConnect("New Hue Light");

if (! light_state[0]) { infoLight(white); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { infoLight(red); delay(500); } // Show that we are connected infoLight(green);



// Port defaults to 8266 // ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266);

// Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID] // ArduinoOTA.setHostname("myesp8266");

// No authentication by default // ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)"123");


pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED_BUILTIN pin as an output digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH

server.on("/switch", []() { server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK"); float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; int button; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { if (server.argName(i) == "button") { button = server.arg(i).toInt(); } } for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { if (button == 1000) { if (light_state[i] == false) { light_state[i] = true; scene = 0; } else { apply_scene(scene, i); scene++; if (scene == 11) { scene = 0; } } } else if (button == 2000) { if (light_state[i] == false) { bri[i] = 30; light_state[i] = true; } else { bri[i] += 30; } if (bri[i] > 255) bri[i] = 255; if (color_mode[i] == 1) convert_xy(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 2) convert_ct(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 3) convert_hue(i); } else if (button == 3000 && light_state[i] == true) { bri[i] -= 30; if (bri[i] < 1) bri[i] = 1; else { if (color_mode[i] == 1) convert_xy(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 2) convert_ct(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 3) convert_hue(i); } } else if (button == 4000) { light_state[i] = false; } for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { if (light_state[i]) { step_level[i][j] = ((float)rgbw[i][j] - current_rgbw[i][j]) / transitiontime; } else { step_level[i][j] = current_rgbw[i][j] / transitiontime; } } } });

server.on("/set", []() { uint8_t light; float transitiontime = 4; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { if (server.argName(i) == "light") { light = server.arg(i).toInt() - 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "on") { if (server.arg(i) == "True" || server.arg(i) == "true") { light_state[light] = true; if ( == 0 && == 0) { EEPROM.write(0, 1); } } else { light_state[light] = false; if ( == 0 && == 1) { EEPROM.write(0, 0); } } EEPROM.commit(); } else if (server.argName(i) == "r") { rgbw[light][0] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "g") { rgbw[light][1] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "b") { rgbw[light][2] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "w") { rgbw[light][3] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "x") { x[light] = server.arg(i).toFloat(); color_mode[light] = 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "y") { y[light] = server.arg(i).toFloat(); color_mode[light] = 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "bri") { light_state[light] = true; if (server.arg(i).toInt() != 0) bri[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); } else if (server.argName(i) == "bri_inc") { bri[light] += server.arg(i).toInt(); if (bri[light] > 255) bri[light] = 255; else if (bri[light] < 0) bri[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "ct") { ct[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 2; } else if (server.argName(i) == "sat") { sat[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 3; } else if (server.argName(i) == "hue") { hue[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 3; } else if (server.argName(i) == "alert" && server.arg(i) == "select") { if (light_state[light]) { current_rgbw[light][0] = 0; current_rgbw[light][1] = 0; current_rgbw[light][2] = 0; current_rgbw[light][3] = 0; } else { current_rgbw[light][3] = 255; } } else if (server.argName(i) == "transitiontime") { transitiontime = server.arg(i).toInt(); } } transitiontime *= 16 - (pixelCount / 40); //every extra led add a small delay that need to be counted server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK, x: " + (String)x[light] + ", y:" + (String)y[light] + ", bri:" + (String)bri[light] + ", ct:" + ct[light] + ", colormode:" + color_mode[light] + ", state:" + light_state[light]); if (color_mode[light] == 1 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_xy(light); } else if (color_mode[light] == 2 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_ct(light); } else if (color_mode[light] == 3 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_hue(light); } for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { if (light_state[light]) { step_level[light][j] = ((float)rgbw[light][j] - current_rgbw[light][j]) / transitiontime; } else { step_level[light][j] = current_rgbw[light][j] / transitiontime; } } });

server.on("/get", []() { uint8_t light; if (server.hasArg("light")) light = server.arg("light").toInt() - 1; String colormode; String power_status; power_status = light_state[light] ? "true" : "false"; if (color_mode[light] == 1) colormode = "xy"; else if (color_mode[light] == 2) colormode = "ct"; else if (color_mode[light] == 3) colormode = "hs"; server.send(200, "text/plain", "{\"on\": " + power_status + ", \"bri\": " + (String)bri[light] + ", \"xy\": [" + (String)x[light] + ", " + (String)y[light] + "], \"ct\":" + (String)ct[light] + ", \"sat\": " + (String)sat[light] + ", \"hue\": " + (String)hue[light] + ", \"colormode\": \"" + colormode + "\"}"); });

server.on("/detect", []() { server.send(200, "text/plain", "{\"hue\": \"strip\",\"lights\": " + (String)lightsCount + ",\"modelid\": \"LST001\",\"mac\": \"" + String(mac[5], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[4], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[3], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[2], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[1], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[0], HEX) + "\"}"); });

server.on("/", []() { float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; if (server.hasArg("startup")) { if ( != server.arg("startup").toInt()) { EEPROM.write(1, server.arg("startup").toInt()); EEPROM.commit(); } }

for (int light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) {
  if (server.hasArg("scene")) {
    if (server.arg("bri") == "" && server.arg("hue") == "" && server.arg("ct") == "" && server.arg("sat") == "") {
      if ( != server.arg("scene").toInt()) {
        EEPROM.write(2, server.arg("scene").toInt());
      apply_scene(server.arg("scene").toInt(), light);
    } else {
      if (server.arg("bri") != "") {
        bri[light] = server.arg("bri").toInt();
      if (server.arg("hue") != "") {
        hue[light] = server.arg("hue").toInt();
      if (server.arg("sat") != "") {
        sat[light] = server.arg("sat").toInt();
      if (server.arg("ct") != "") {
        ct[light] = server.arg("ct").toInt();
      if (server.arg("colormode") == "1" && light_state[light] == true) {
      } else if (server.arg("colormode") == "2" && light_state[light] == true) {
      } else if (server.arg("colormode") == "3" && light_state[light] == true) {
      color_mode[light] = server.arg("colormode").toInt();
  } else if (server.hasArg("on")) {
    if (server.arg("on") == "true") {
      light_state[light] = true; {
        if ( == 0 && == 0) {
          EEPROM.write(0, 1);
    } else {
      light_state[light] = false;
      if ( == 0 && == 1) {
        EEPROM.write(0, 0);
  } else if (server.hasArg("alert")) {
    if (light_state[light]) {
      current_rgbw[light][0] = 0; current_rgbw[light][1] = 0; current_rgbw[light][2] = 0; current_rgbw[light][3] = 0;
    } else {
      current_rgbw[light][3] = 255;
  for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
    if (light_state[light]) {
      step_level[light][j] = ((float)rgbw[light][j] - current_rgbw[light][j]) / transitiontime;
    } else {
      step_level[light][j] = current_rgbw[light][j] / transitiontime;
if (server.hasArg("reset")) {

String http_content = "<!doctype html>";
http_content += "<html>";
http_content += "<head>";
http_content += "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">";
http_content += "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">";
http_content += "<title>Light Setup</title>";
http_content += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">";
http_content += "</head>";
http_content += "<body>";
http_content += "<fieldset>";
http_content += "<h3>Light Setup</h3>";
http_content += "<form class=\"pure-form pure-form-aligned\" action=\"/\" method=\"post\">";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"power\"><strong>Power</strong></label>";
http_content += "<a class=\"pure-button"; if (light_state[0]) http_content += "  pure-button-primary"; http_content += "\" href=\"/?on=true\">ON</a>";
http_content += "<a class=\"pure-button"; if (!light_state[0]) http_content += "  pure-button-primary"; http_content += "\" href=\"/?on=false\">OFF</a>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"startup\">Startup</label>";
http_content += "<select onchange=\"this.form.submit()\" id=\"startup\" name=\"startup\">";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 0) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"0\">Last state</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">On</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">Off</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"scene\">Scene</label>";
http_content += "<select onchange = \"this.form.submit()\" id=\"scene\" name=\"scene\">";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 0) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"0\">Relax</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">Read</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">Concentrate</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 3) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"3\">Energize</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 4) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"4\">Bright</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 5) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"5\">Dimmed</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 6) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"6\">Nightlight</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 7) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"7\">Savanna sunset</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 8) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"8\">Tropical twilight</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 9) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"9\">Arctic aurora</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 10) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"10\">Spring blossom</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<br>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"state\"><strong>State</strong></label>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"bri\">Bri</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"bri\" name=\"bri\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)bri[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"hue\">Hue</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"hue\" name=\"hue\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)hue[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"sat\">Sat</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"sat\" name=\"sat\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)sat[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"ct\">CT</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"ct\" name=\"ct\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)ct[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"colormode\">Color</label>";
http_content += "<select id=\"colormode\" name=\"colormode\">";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">xy</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">ct</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 3) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"3\">hue</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-controls\">";
http_content += "<span class=\"pure-form-message\"><a href=\"/?alert=1\">alert</a> or <a href=\"/?reset=1\">reset</a></span>";
http_content += "<label for=\"cb\" class=\"pure-checkbox\">";
http_content += "</label>";
http_content += "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"pure-button pure-button-primary\">Save</button>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "</fieldset>";
http_content += "</form>";
http_content += "</body>";
http_content += "</html>";

server.send(200, "text/html", http_content);



server.begin(); }

void loop() { ArduinoOTA.handle(); server.handleClient(); lightEngine(); }

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

I saw you setup the ip address manually here, but not uncomment. If you want to use static ip uncomment the following lines:

//IPAddress strip_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 30);
//IPAddress gateway_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 1);
//IPAddress subnet_mask(255, 255, 255, 0);

and //WiFi.config(strip_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_mask);

Currently you are unsing dhcp and to not have issues is better to use static ip revervation.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Hi I have tried loading the webgui but its can't seem to connect, and nmap is installed on the host running the hue service.

Bellow is the script output.

screen shot 2018-01-01 at 10 06 01 pm

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

The error from attached picture show there is already a service running on port 80, very likely the hue-emulator service. stop it first with sudo systemctl stop hue-emulator, but now this is not the main issue. Let's focus on light. Did you run the wi-fi manage wizard to connect the light to your wi-fi network? Can yow access your router to see dhcp clients list?

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Understood, I did not run the wi-fi manage wizard (how would I go about doing that?) and I cant see it on my network its not on the clients list. And I have uncommented the lines

//IPAddress strip_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 30); //IPAddress gateway_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 1); //IPAddress subnet_mask(255, 255, 255, 0); and //WiFi.config(strip_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_mask);

to set the static ip.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

I have tried accessing through the web using but there is no response.

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

Ok, when you power your esp light it will not join to any networks because is not configured yet, so it will broadcast a new wifi network named "New Hue Light". Connect to this wi-fi network, then access with any browser. From here you can scan for wi-fi networks, select yours and type your wifi password. That's all.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH that worked!! I didn't pay attention to the New Hue Light part as last time it somehow connected automatically. Makes sense now. Thank you so much I appreciate the time you have taken to help me out with this. Wonderful work by the way thank you for making this project possible.

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

In case you don't used a brand new esp8266 is possible that your wifi credentials to be already present. Wifi manager save them somewhere outside the firmware, and writing new firmware don't mean they are erased. I believe now if you write again the firmware it will not require to run again the wifi manage wizard.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Got it, I wasn't aware of that.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Just one more thing, its relating to hardware. Do you happen to know why the LEDs might flicker when adjusting the color or brightness ? its not a smooth transition.

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

Check the power supply if provide enough power. It must run smooth with fade during transitions.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

I am running 5 pixels with a 2 amp power supply, it does not transition smoothly. Here is the video of the flicker ( Power is distributed to the esp via micro usb and to the pixels.

img_0459 img_0460

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

Never faced the issue from video. I will try to do a test like in your case with only 5 leds,

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

I test with 5 SK6812 and i had no issues. In order to know if the issue is software or hardware related i provide you my firmware with 5 leds setup like in your case. Here is my demo video

kurniawan77 commented 6 years ago

I personally think you should check your connections or rewire. Cutting/ tapping an USB cable is not a good idea imo. And use good USB cables. The one you are using is an old low power 500 ma USB data cable. You will get power loss with those cables

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

Thanks I mariusmotea, I will try your firmware and see if I still face the issue. kurniawan77 I have actually used this exact setup to drive 20 LEDs with ESP8266 at near max brightness with not issues at all. For some reason this has happened to me the twice once before it worked normally and once after. Anyway I will keep you updated and let you guys know.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

I have flashed your firmware and I get the green flash on boot. But I am guessing its configured for your network so I cant access it on the hue app since its not connected to my network. I don't see the New Hue Light SSID.

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

It must connect to your network, as i said, the credentials are saved by wifi-manager outside the firmware zone in flash memory. Check the clients list of your router.

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

I flashed it using should it still connect to my network ?

mariusmotea commented 6 years ago

to be sure execute first --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash . After this you must see SSID "New Hue Light".

Update: What esp board time are you using?

raymon124 commented 6 years ago

So I have flashed your firmware and as well as my code and its seems like the issue is a code related. Not sure whats wrong with the code. Maybe I could take a look at your code it see if I missed something?

This is my code,









define lightsCount 1

define pixelCount 5

define use_hardware_switch false // on/off state and brightness can be controlled with above gpio pins. Is mandatory to connect them to ground with 10K resistors.

define button1_pin 4 // on and bri up

define button2_pin 5 // off and bri down

// if you want to setup static ip uncomment these 3 lines and line 72 IPAddress strip_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 30); IPAddress gateway_ip ( 10, 0, 1, 1); IPAddress subnet_mask(255, 255, 255, 0);

uint8_t rgbw[lightsCount][4], color_mode[lightsCount], scene; bool light_state[lightsCount], in_transition; int transitiontime[lightsCount], ct[lightsCount], hue[lightsCount], bri[lightsCount], sat[lightsCount]; float step_level[lightsCount][4], current_rgbw[lightsCount][4], x[lightsCount], y[lightsCount]; byte mac[6];

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

RgbwColor red = RgbwColor(255, 0, 0, 0); RgbwColor green = RgbwColor(0, 255, 0, 0); RgbwColor white = RgbwColor(255); RgbwColor black = RgbwColor(0);

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbwFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(pixelCount);

void convert_hue(uint8_t light) { double hh, p, q, t, ff, s, v; long i;

rgbw[light][3] = 0; s = sat[light] / 255.0; v = bri[light] / 255.0;

if (s <= 0.0) { // < is bogus, just shuts up warnings rgbw[light][0] = v; rgbw[light][1] = v; rgbw[light][2] = v; return; } hh = hue[light]; if (hh >= 65535.0) hh = 0.0; hh /= 11850, 0; i = (long)hh; ff = hh - i; p = v (1.0 - s); q = v (1.0 - (s ff)); t = v (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - ff)));

switch (i) { case 0: rgbw[light][0] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = t 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = p 255.0; break; case 1: rgbw[light][0] = q 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = p 255.0; break; case 2: rgbw[light][0] = p 255.0; rgbw[light][1] = v 255.0; rgbw[light][2] = t * 255.0; break;

case 3:
  rgbw[light][0] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = q * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = v * 255.0;
case 4:
  rgbw[light][0] = t * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = v * 255.0;
case 5:
  rgbw[light][0] = v * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][1] = p * 255.0;
  rgbw[light][2] = q * 255.0;



void convert_xy(uint8_t light) { float Y = y[light]; float X = x[light]; float Z = 1.0f - x[light] - y[light];

// sRGB D65 conversion float r = X 3.2406f - Y 1.5372f - Z 0.4986f; float g = -X 0.9689f + Y 1.8758f + Z 0.0415f; float b = X 0.0557f - Y 0.2040f + Z * 1.0570f;

// Apply gamma correction r = r <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f r : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(r, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f; g = g <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f g : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(g, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f; b = b <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f b : (1.0f + 0.055f) pow(b, (1.0f / 2.4f)) - 0.055f;

if (r > b && r > g) { // red is biggest if (r > 1.0f) { g = g / r; b = b / r; r = 1.0f; } } else if (g > b && g > r) { // green is biggest if (g > 1.0f) { r = r / g; b = b / g; g = 1.0f; } } else if (b > r && b > g) { // blue is biggest if (b > 1.0f) { r = r / b; g = g / b; b = 1.0f; } }

r = r < 0 ? 0 : r; g = g < 0 ? 0 : g; b = b < 0 ? 0 : b;

rgbw[light][0] = (int) (r bri[light]); rgbw[light][1] = (int) (g bri[light]); rgbw[light][2] = (int) (b * bri[light]); rgbw[light][3] = 0; }

void convert_ct(uint8_t light) { int hectemp = 10000 / ct[light]; int r, g, b; if (hectemp <= 66) { r = 255; g = 99.4708025861 log(hectemp) - 161.1195681661; b = hectemp <= 19 ? 0 : (138.5177312231 log(hectemp - 10) - 305.0447927307); } else { r = 329.698727446 pow(hectemp - 60, -0.1332047592); g = 288.1221695283 pow(hectemp - 60, -0.0755148492); b = 255; } r = r > 255 ? 255 : r; g = g > 255 ? 255 : g; b = b > 255 ? 255 : b; rgbw[light][0] = r (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][1] = g (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][2] = b * (bri[light] / 255.0f); rgbw[light][3] = bri[light]; }

void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n"; } server.send(404, "text/plain", message); }

void infoLight(RgbwColor color) { // Flash the strip in the selected color. White = booted, green = WLAN connected, red = WLAN could not connect for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) { strip.SetPixelColor(i, color); strip.Show(); delay(10); strip.SetPixelColor(i, black); strip.Show(); } }

void apply_scene(uint8_t new_scene, uint8_t light) { if ( new_scene == 0) { bri[light] = 144; ct[light] = 447; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 1) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 346; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 2) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 233; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 3) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 156; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 4) { bri[light] = 77; ct[light] = 367; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 5) { bri[light] = 254; ct[light] = 447; color_mode[light] = 2; convert_ct(light); } else if ( new_scene == 6) { bri[light] = 1; x[light] = 0.561; y[light] = 0.4042; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 7) { bri[light] = 203; x[light] = 0.380328; y[light] = 0.39986; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 8) { bri[light] = 112; x[light] = 0.359168; y[light] = 0.28807; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 9) { bri[light] = 142; x[light] = 0.267102; y[light] = 0.23755; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } else if ( new_scene == 10) { bri[light] = 216; x [light] = 0.393209; y[light] = 0.29961; color_mode[light] = 1; convert_xy(light); } }

void process_lightdata(uint8_t light,float transitiontime) { transitiontime *= 16 - (pixelCount / 40); //every extra led add a small delay that need to be counted if (color_mode[light] == 1 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_xy(light); } else if (color_mode[light] == 2 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_ct(light); } else if (color_mode[light] == 3 && light_state[light] == true) { convert_hue(light); } for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { if (light_state[light]) { step_level[light][i] = ((float)rgbw[light][i] - current_rgbw[light][i]) / transitiontime; } else { step_level[light][i] = current_rgbw[light][i] / transitiontime; } } }

void lightEngine() { for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { if (light_state[i]) { if (rgbw[i][0] != current_rgbw[i][0] || rgbw[i][1] != current_rgbw[i][1] || rgbw[i][2] != current_rgbw[i][2] || rgbw[i][3] != current_rgbw[i][3]) { in_transition = true; for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 3; k++) { if (rgbw[i][k] != current_rgbw[i][k]) current_rgbw[i][k] += step_level[i][k]; if ((step_level[i][k] > 0.0 && current_rgbw[i][k] > rgbw[i][k]) || (step_level[i][k] < 0.0 && current_rgbw[i][k] < rgbw[i][k])) current_rgbw[i][k] = rgbw[i][k]; } for (int j = 0; j < pixelCount / lightsCount ; j++) { strip.SetPixelColor(j + i pixelCount / lightsCount, RgbwColor((int)current_rgbw[i][0], (int)current_rgbw[i][1], (int)current_rgbw[i][2], (int)current_rgbw[i][3])); } strip.Show(); } } else { if (current_rgbw[i][0] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][1] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][2] != 0 || current_rgbw[i][3] != 0) { in_transition = true; for (uint8_t k = 0; k <= 3; k++) { if (current_rgbw[i][k] != 0) current_rgbw[i][k] -= step_level[i][k]; if (current_rgbw[i][k] < 0) current_rgbw[i][k] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < pixelCount / lightsCount ; j++) { strip.SetPixelColor(j + i pixelCount / lightsCount, RgbwColor((int)current_rgbw[i][0], (int)current_rgbw[i][1], (int)current_rgbw[i][2], (int)current_rgbw[i][3])); } strip.Show(); } } } if (in_transition) { delay(6); in_transition = false; } else if (use_hardware_switch == true) { if (digitalRead(button1_pin) == HIGH) { int i = 0; while (digitalRead(button1_pin) == HIGH && i < 30) { delay(20); i++; } for (int light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) { if (i < 30) { // there was a short press light_state[light] = true; } else { // there was a long press bri[light] += 56; if (bri[light] > 254) { // don't increase the brightness more then maximum value bri[light] = 254; } } process_lightdata(light,4); } } else if (digitalRead(button2_pin) == HIGH) { int i = 0; while (digitalRead(button2_pin) == HIGH && i < 30) { delay(20); i++; } for (int light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) { if (i < 30) { // there was a short press light_state[light] = false; } else { // there was a long press bri[light] -= 56; if (bri[light] < 1) { // don't decrease the brightness less than minimum value. bri[light] = 1; } } process_lightdata(light,4); } } } }

void setup() { strip.Begin(); strip.Show(); EEPROM.begin(512);

WiFi.config(strip_ip, gateway_ip, subnet_mask);

for (uint8_t light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) { float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; apply_scene(, light); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { step_level[light][j] = ((float)rgbw[light][j] - current_rgbw[light][j]) / transitiontime; } }

if ( == 1 || ( == 0 && == 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { light_state[i] = true; } for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { lightEngine(); } } WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.autoConnect("New Hue Light");

if (! light_state[0]) { infoLight(white); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { infoLight(red); delay(500); } // Show that we are connected infoLight(green);



// Port defaults to 8266 // ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266);

// Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID] // ArduinoOTA.setHostname("myesp8266");

// No authentication by default // ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)"123");


pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED_BUILTIN pin as an output digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH pinMode(button1_pin, INPUT); pinMode(button2_pin, INPUT);

server.on("/switch", []() { server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK"); float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; int button; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { if (server.argName(i) == "button") { button = server.arg(i).toInt(); } } for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++) { if (button == 1000) { if (light_state[i] == false) { light_state[i] = true; scene = 0; } else { apply_scene(scene, i); scene++; if (scene == 11) { scene = 0; } } } else if (button == 2000) { if (light_state[i] == false) { bri[i] = 30; light_state[i] = true; } else { bri[i] += 30; } if (bri[i] > 255) bri[i] = 255; if (color_mode[i] == 1) convert_xy(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 2) convert_ct(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 3) convert_hue(i); } else if (button == 3000 && light_state[i] == true) { bri[i] -= 30; if (bri[i] < 1) bri[i] = 1; else { if (color_mode[i] == 1) convert_xy(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 2) convert_ct(i); else if (color_mode[i] == 3) convert_hue(i); } } else if (button == 4000) { light_state[i] = false; } for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) { if (light_state[i]) { step_level[i][j] = ((float)rgbw[i][j] - current_rgbw[i][j]) / transitiontime; } else { step_level[i][j] = current_rgbw[i][j] / transitiontime; } } } });

server.on("/set", []() { uint8_t light; int transitiontime = 4; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { if (server.argName(i) == "light") { light = server.arg(i).toInt() - 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "on") { if (server.arg(i) == "True" || server.arg(i) == "true") { light_state[light] = true; if ( == 0 && == 0) { EEPROM.write(0, 1); } } else { light_state[light] = false; if ( == 0 && == 1) { EEPROM.write(0, 0); } } EEPROM.commit(); } else if (server.argName(i) == "r") { rgbw[light][0] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "g") { rgbw[light][1] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "b") { rgbw[light][2] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "w") { rgbw[light][3] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "x") { x[light] = server.arg(i).toFloat(); color_mode[light] = 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "y") { y[light] = server.arg(i).toFloat(); color_mode[light] = 1; } else if (server.argName(i) == "bri") { light_state[light] = true; if (server.arg(i).toInt() != 0) bri[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); } else if (server.argName(i) == "bri_inc") { bri[light] += server.arg(i).toInt(); if (bri[light] > 255) bri[light] = 255; else if (bri[light] < 0) bri[light] = 0; } else if (server.argName(i) == "ct") { ct[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 2; } else if (server.argName(i) == "sat") { sat[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 3; } else if (server.argName(i) == "hue") { hue[light] = server.arg(i).toInt(); color_mode[light] = 3; } else if (server.argName(i) == "alert" && server.arg(i) == "select") { if (light_state[light]) { current_rgbw[light][0] = 0; current_rgbw[light][1] = 0; current_rgbw[light][2] = 0; current_rgbw[light][3] = 0; } else { current_rgbw[light][3] = 255; } } else if (server.argName(i) == "transitiontime") { transitiontime = server.arg(i).toInt(); } } process_lightdata(light, transitiontime); server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK, x: " + (String)x[light] + ", y:" + (String)y[light] + ", bri:" + (String)bri[light] + ", ct:" + ct[light] + ", colormode:" + color_mode[light] + ", state:" + light_state[light]); });

server.on("/get", []() { uint8_t light; if (server.hasArg("light")) light = server.arg("light").toInt() - 1; String colormode; String power_status; power_status = light_state[light] ? "true" : "false"; if (color_mode[light] == 1) colormode = "xy"; else if (color_mode[light] == 2) colormode = "ct"; else if (color_mode[light] == 3) colormode = "hs"; server.send(200, "text/plain", "{\"on\": " + power_status + ", \"bri\": " + (String)bri[light] + ", \"xy\": [" + (String)x[light] + ", " + (String)y[light] + "], \"ct\":" + (String)ct[light] + ", \"sat\": " + (String)sat[light] + ", \"hue\": " + (String)hue[light] + ", \"colormode\": \"" + colormode + "\"}"); });

server.on("/detect", []() { server.send(200, "text/plain", "{\"hue\": \"strip\",\"lights\": " + (String)lightsCount + ",\"modelid\": \"LST001\",\"mac\": \"" + String(mac[5], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[4], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[3], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[2], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[1], HEX) + ":" + String(mac[0], HEX) + "\"}"); });

server.on("/", []() { float transitiontime = (16 - (pixelCount / 40)) * 4; if (server.hasArg("startup")) { if ( != server.arg("startup").toInt()) { EEPROM.write(1, server.arg("startup").toInt()); EEPROM.commit(); } }

for (int light = 0; light < lightsCount; light++) {
  if (server.hasArg("scene")) {
    if (server.arg("bri") == "" && server.arg("hue") == "" && server.arg("ct") == "" && server.arg("sat") == "") {
      if ( != server.arg("scene").toInt()) {
        EEPROM.write(2, server.arg("scene").toInt());
      apply_scene(server.arg("scene").toInt(), light);
    } else {
      if (server.arg("bri") != "") {
        bri[light] = server.arg("bri").toInt();
      if (server.arg("hue") != "") {
        hue[light] = server.arg("hue").toInt();
      if (server.arg("sat") != "") {
        sat[light] = server.arg("sat").toInt();
      if (server.arg("ct") != "") {
        ct[light] = server.arg("ct").toInt();
      if (server.arg("colormode") == "1" && light_state[light] == true) {
      } else if (server.arg("colormode") == "2" && light_state[light] == true) {
      } else if (server.arg("colormode") == "3" && light_state[light] == true) {
      color_mode[light] = server.arg("colormode").toInt();
  } else if (server.hasArg("on")) {
    if (server.arg("on") == "true") {
      light_state[light] = true; {
        if ( == 0 && == 0) {
          EEPROM.write(0, 1);
    } else {
      light_state[light] = false;
      if ( == 0 && == 1) {
        EEPROM.write(0, 0);
  } else if (server.hasArg("alert")) {
    if (light_state[light]) {
      current_rgbw[light][0] = 0; current_rgbw[light][1] = 0; current_rgbw[light][2] = 0; current_rgbw[light][3] = 0;
    } else {
      current_rgbw[light][3] = 255;
  for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
    if (light_state[light]) {
      step_level[light][j] = ((float)rgbw[light][j] - current_rgbw[light][j]) / transitiontime;
    } else {
      step_level[light][j] = current_rgbw[light][j] / transitiontime;
if (server.hasArg("reset")) {

String http_content = "<!doctype html>";
http_content += "<html>";
http_content += "<head>";
http_content += "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">";
http_content += "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">";
http_content += "<title>Light Setup</title>";
http_content += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">";
http_content += "</head>";
http_content += "<body>";
http_content += "<fieldset>";
http_content += "<h3>Light Setup</h3>";
http_content += "<form class=\"pure-form pure-form-aligned\" action=\"/\" method=\"post\">";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"power\"><strong>Power</strong></label>";
http_content += "<a class=\"pure-button"; if (light_state[0]) http_content += "  pure-button-primary"; http_content += "\" href=\"/?on=true\">ON</a>";
http_content += "<a class=\"pure-button"; if (!light_state[0]) http_content += "  pure-button-primary"; http_content += "\" href=\"/?on=false\">OFF</a>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"startup\">Startup</label>";
http_content += "<select onchange=\"this.form.submit()\" id=\"startup\" name=\"startup\">";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 0) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"0\">Last state</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">On</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">Off</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"scene\">Scene</label>";
http_content += "<select onchange = \"this.form.submit()\" id=\"scene\" name=\"scene\">";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 0) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"0\">Relax</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">Read</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">Concentrate</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 3) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"3\">Energize</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 4) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"4\">Bright</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 5) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"5\">Dimmed</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 6) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"6\">Nightlight</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 7) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"7\">Savanna sunset</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 8) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"8\">Tropical twilight</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 9) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"9\">Arctic aurora</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if ( == 10) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"10\">Spring blossom</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<br>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"state\"><strong>State</strong></label>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"bri\">Bri</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"bri\" name=\"bri\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)bri[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"hue\">Hue</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"hue\" name=\"hue\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)hue[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"sat\">Sat</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"sat\" name=\"sat\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)sat[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"ct\">CT</label>";
http_content += "<input id=\"ct\" name=\"ct\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"" + (String)ct[0] + "\">";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-control-group\">";
http_content += "<label for=\"colormode\">Color</label>";
http_content += "<select id=\"colormode\" name=\"colormode\">";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 1) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"1\">xy</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 2) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"2\">ct</option>";
http_content += "<option "; if (color_mode[0] == 3) http_content += "selected=\"selected\""; http_content += " value=\"3\">hue</option>";
http_content += "</select>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "<div class=\"pure-controls\">";
http_content += "<span class=\"pure-form-message\"><a href=\"/?alert=1\">alert</a> or <a href=\"/?reset=1\">reset</a></span>";
http_content += "<label for=\"cb\" class=\"pure-checkbox\">";
http_content += "</label>";
http_content += "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"pure-button pure-button-primary\">Save</button>";
http_content += "</div>";
http_content += "</fieldset>";
http_content += "</form>";
http_content += "</body>";
http_content += "</html>";

server.send(200, "text/html", http_content);



server.begin(); }

void loop() { ArduinoOTA.handle(); server.handleClient(); lightEngine(); }