mariusmuntean / ChartJs.Blazor

Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
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Int values distribution for ChartJs.Blazor radar chart #108

Closed devanshidiaries closed 4 years ago

devanshidiaries commented 4 years ago

How do I get the int values distribution for ChartJs.Blazor radar chart?

The original ChartJs radar chart distribution has the type stored as int : image

But, when using the ChartJs.Blazor from this repo sample, the radar chart distribution for values between 1 to 5, it is split in fractional parts as highlighted: MicrosoftTeams-image (5)

Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

The original ChartJs radar chart distribution has the type stored as int

I don't think that's true. The data-type is an array of numbers. As already mentioned in #105, all numbers in JavaScript are a 64-bit floating point number. As is a double. int is a 32-bit signed integer number. That's not the same thing. While it's easy to represent an integer number as a floating point number, it's hard or even impossible to represent a floating point as an integer number.

What you're seeing is chart.js choosing a step value. You haven't provided any code so I can't modify and test it but try setting StepSize for the axis. Unfortunately, radar chart is one of the charts that haven't been reworked yet so there are a lot of issues with it. You should still be able to assign a Scale object to the Scale property and then a LinearRadialTicks object to the Ticks property of that. Because it hasn't been reworked yet, this isn't as straight-forward as it's supposed to be but it's still possible. Then on that LinearRadialTicks instance, set StepSize to 1.

Please try it and share your code :)
If it works, great; otherwise I'll look into it again and try to provide the code you need.

devanshidiaries commented 4 years ago

The Scale property does not have LinearRadialTicks object defined. Only Cartesian Ticks is defined in this repo. Could you please fix that for me to try to set the StepSize to 1?


Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

Apologies, of course you can't assign LinearRadialTicks to CartesianTicks. We really need to get working on the radar-rework. There's a huge amount of work to be done for release 2.0 and I hope we can correct all the errors and focus on new features moving forward.
I'm currently the only active maintainer but I'm not the owner of the project and I'm currently waiting for approval of Marius to implement new features.

Until this is fixed in a new release (which unfortunately might take a while), you can override the Ticks property in your own class. Something like this (untested):

public class RadarScale : Scale
    public new LinearRadialTicks Ticks { get; set; }

Then use that class instead of Scale.

This is the best I can do right now. Of course it shouldn't be this way and the Scale class shouldn't even exist; there's already a LinearRadialAxis (which probably also needs work).

devanshidiaries commented 4 years ago

Also, here is the complete code example for the implementation I am looking for, out of this repo.

  1. Assigning 14 values of int List type to double List type.
  2. Each of the 14 Values can be in the range of 1 to 5 only.
Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

I've looked your code and the workaround I mentioned in my previous comment works. Here's the full code:

@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Properties
@using ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.RadarChart
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Charts
@using ChartJs.Blazor.Util

<h1>Radar Chart</h1>
<div class="row">
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="OnClick">Add Dataset</button>
<ChartJsRadarChart @ref="_radarChartJs" Config="@_config" Width="600" Height="300" />

@code {
    private RadarConfig _config;
    private ChartJsRadarChart _radarChartJs;

    private Random _rand = new Random();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _config = new RadarConfig
            Options = new RadarOptions
                Title = new OptionsTitle
                    Display = true,
                    Text = "Participant's scores"
                Scale = new RadialScale
                    Ticks = new ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Axes.Ticks.LinearRadialTicks
                        StepSize = 1

        _config.Data.Labels = new List<string> { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N" };

        List<int> fakeData = new List<int> { 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3 };
        List<double> y = new List<double>();
        foreach (var dataPoint in fakeData)

        _config.Data.Datasets.Add(new RadarDataset
            Data = y,
            Label = $"Participant {_config.Data.Datasets.Count + 1}",
            BorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString()

    public async Task OnClick()
        List<int> fakeData = new List<int> { 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 5, 3 };
        List<double> y = new List<double>();
        foreach (var dataPoint in fakeData)

        _config.Data.Datasets.Add(new RadarDataset
            Data = y,
            Label = $"Participant {_config.Data.Datasets.Count + 1}",
            BorderColor = ColorUtil.RandomColorString()

        await _radarChartJs.Update();

    // Workaround until ChartJs.Blazor fixes the issue
    private class RadialScale : Scale
        public new ChartJs.Blazor.ChartJS.Common.Axes.Ticks.LinearRadialTicks Ticks { get; set; }


Note that I've changed some names so I could better understand what's going on. Also I removed the call to Convert.ToDouble since int converts to double implicitly, you don't need that method call.

devanshidiaries commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Joelius300 . It worked!

Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

The issue from our side is documented in #110.