mariusmuntean / ChartJs.Blazor

Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
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Is it possible to display legend in another place ? #138

Closed win32nipuh closed 3 years ago

win32nipuh commented 3 years ago

For example there are 4 labels only. They are located in the center of page.

I have 24 labels. Is it possible to place the legend to the right bottom ? Or somehow to change the existing layout?

SeppPenner commented 3 years ago

From might help you there. So, basically, you should be able to set the following positions:

In the library, you should be able to set Legend.Position (Check

_config = new PieConfig
            Options = new PieOptions
                Legend = new Legend
                    Position = Position.Bottom

The example from is located under

It's not possible to place the legend on the right bottom as far as I know. (Well, not easily at least).

Joelius300 commented 3 years ago

Thank you @SeppPenner.

Nothing to add to his great comment except that we're sorry for the lack of documentation currently available.