mariusmuntean / ChartJs.Blazor

Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
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How can I set up onClick event on pieChart #169

Closed bd8697 closed 3 years ago

bd8697 commented 3 years ago

Describe your question

I'm trying to set up an OnClick event for a pieChart.

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Which charts is this question related to?

all charts

Additional context

From this (#55 ) and this (#155 ) I understand that to implement an OnClick event, this should work:

[JSInvokable] public void OnClickHandler(object sender, object args) { }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _config = new PieConfig
            Options = new PieOptions
                Responsive = true,
                 OnClick = new DotNetInstanceClickHandler(OnClickHandler),
                Title = new OptionsTitle
                    Display = true,
                    Text = "ChartJs.Blazor Pie Chart"

The problem is that I get: "Type or namespace DotNetInstanceClickHandler" not found. I tried adding it from here: DotNetInstanceClickHandler, but it does not have the type required (IMethodHandler< ClickHandler >).

Do you have any idea why is DotNetInstanceClickHandler not found or where I can I find some sample of this implemented? Thank you.

Joelius300 commented 3 years ago

Hey @bd8697, thanks for the question.

Both of the issues you linked are related to versions prior to 2.0. In version 2.0 and up, you use DelegateHandler<T> and you don't need the JSInvokable attribute anymore.

Replace your DotNetInstanceClickHandler with DelegateHandler<ChartMouseEvent> and adjust your OnClickHandler method to match the signature of ChartMouseEvent:

public delegate void ChartMouseEvent(JObject mouseEvent, JArray activeElements);

Hope that helps πŸ˜„ if not, please comment to reopen.

bd8697 commented 3 years ago

Wow. I thought it might be something related to versioning, but I just couldn't figure it out; big thank you for the solution. πŸ˜—

For anyone else stumbling across this, here is how I get the label of the clicked element (@Joelius300 pelase correct me if there's a better way) :

public void OnClickHandler(JObject mouseEvent, JArray activeElements)
            foreach (JObject elem in activeElements)
                foreach (JProperty prop in elem.GetValue("_model"))
Joelius300 commented 3 years ago

@Joelius300 please correct me if there's a better way

If I understand your intent correctly, there might be a better way in JavaScript (see getElementAtEvent) but without JavaScript (-interop) I don't know how you could improve that logic to be honest πŸ˜…

NoahYannis commented 1 year ago

How do I get the JObject, JArray as well as the JSON data from the piechart?