mariusmuntean / ChartJs.Blazor

Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
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chartjs-chart-financial.js intergrate #69

Open Jong-uk-Kim opened 4 years ago

Jong-uk-Kim commented 4 years ago

my project need to financial chart but ChartJs.Blazor is not support. i think, chartjs.blazor can be support, so, i import chartjs-chart-financial.js and tested watch this repository Jong-uk-kim/ChartJs.Blazor

if can migrate this, it make me happy.

thank you

Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for contacting us!

I've looked at your repo and it looks great. However, I'm not sure if you've added everything that's necessary.
One thing I didn't find was the FinancialLinearAxis which derives from LinearCartesianAxis but has the type "financialLinear" (new entry in AxisType).
Also how does your FinancialData work? From the candlestick-sample it looks like the values contain the fields o: open, h: high, l: low, c: close and t: time (Moment) / x: x-value but maybe there are multiple ways to support this. I was not able to understand what the XAxis-property does.

Could you maybe include a working sample in your implementation?

Jong-uk-Kim commented 4 years ago

sry @Joelius300, i didn't push last commit. watching again.

last commit is e7911ba

Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

Looks quite good. The summaries need some work but I can do that if you want. You should also use Moment instead of DateTime in FinancialData for serialization. Also I think you need another field called X so you can either use Time or X depending on if you want a time-axis or not (this should be mentioned in the summary of X and Time).

If you want you can open a pull request just make sure to check "allow maintainers to add changes" or something along those lines so I can also add commits before merging :)

Jong-uk-Kim commented 4 years ago

ok. i will fix it and make pull request