mariusmuntean / ChartJs.Blazor

Brings Chart.js charts to Blazor
MIT License
677 stars 151 forks source link

Suggesting minor echancements #73

Closed ItsMeDan11 closed 4 years ago

ItsMeDan11 commented 4 years ago

I have been modifying my local version of ChartJs.Blazor, adding properties like 'Duration' to the ArcAnimation. I'm not a developer (just teaching myself Blazor now) & have zero experience with Github. Other than learning how to use Github, is there a way to contribute back to this project with the changes I've made?

Joelius300 commented 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for being interested!

I have very limited time currently so I don't know how much I can assist you but I can give you the most basic stuff.

You can fork the repository by clicking "Fork" in the top-right of any page of our repo (e.g. this one). This will create a clone of our repo for your account. There you can do changes as much as you want (usually you'd do that on a different branch). After you're done with the changes, you can submit a pull request to this repo. We can then review that and merge it into this repo if the changes are accepted.

I think it's best if you read Collaborating with issues and pull requests from GitHub, it'll teach you everything you need to know regarding Forks and Pull Requests :)

ItsMeDan11 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the direction. I have attempted to make a new fork & project with just 2 small changes and submit a pull request. I've tested this in a pie chart and a bar chart & it is working. Please let me know if I can improve anything for the future.