mariuszhermansdorfer / SandWorm

Augmented Reality Sandbox for Grasshopper & Rhino
MIT License
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Reconsider UI presentation of reset and calibrate #88

Closed philipbelesky closed 2 years ago

philipbelesky commented 2 years ago

This is extremely nit-picky and low-priority, but I find that the reset / calibrate options as presented in the UI are slightly confusing and might be difficult for new users to grasp.

Unless I'm wrong, the calibrate method is essentially a one-time trigger, e.g. it samples the latest frame and averages the values to identify a good elevation number. However, as presented in the UI, the button is a checkbox which would normally indicate some sort of boolean state that is persistent.

The reset action is also a one-time trigger, but is presented in a different way: as a boolean input type. Although it has some help text, it may not be apparent to all users that the Button component is what's needed to trigger the action.

A suggestion here would be to shift both of those triggers to be shown in the same way, perhaps as buttons within the Sensor rollout. That could also be useful to clarify the role of the reset button as re-setting-up the mesh processing rather than a 'clear to defaults' for the parameters of the analysis/processing/etc.

It doesn't look like there's a button widget in CustomComponent but I could try and adapt the one I made for Caribou perhaps.

mariuszhermansdorfer commented 2 years ago

You're absolutely right. The cleanest way of solving this from an UI perspective, would be to have 2 dedicated buttons to perform their respective functions. The only reason, why I didn't do it the way you suggested, was that I was too lazy to write my own Button widget for the CustomComponent. Would be great if you gave it a go, though!

mariuszhermansdorfer commented 2 years ago

@philipbelesky thanks for pushing the latest commit!

Did you find time to work on the button functionality? It would be great to add this to the UI and finally publish the plugin for wider use. Let me know if you won't be able to work on this, so that I can give it a go myself.

philipbelesky commented 2 years ago

Ah, I had forgotten about this one. I think i'll have a go at it over the next week to try and get a better handle on the CustomComponent workings. I'm planning to get back into the image recognition branch shortly as well.

mariuszhermansdorfer commented 2 years ago

Awesome! Let's aim for early February to publish the 2.0 version with minor tweaks to the UI. Then, the image recognition functionality could be added as 2.1 when ready.