mariuz / flamerobin

FlameRobin is a database administration tool for Firebird RDBMS. Our goal is to build a tool that is: lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD) dependent only on other Open Source software
MIT License
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Error editing a value in a float column #316

Closed GenuineTom closed 8 months ago

GenuineTom commented 1 year ago

Editing a float column results in an error '-413 Overflow occurred during data type conversion'. In the UPDATE statement, it is shown that the float column is wrongly assigned to a string with a localized decimal separator (val_float='1,000000'). flamerobin

arvanus commented 1 year ago

Hello, what version of FR are you using? Also, please try to uncheck this option and see what happens image

GenuineTom commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your quick response. I'm using FR 0.9.7 x32. Unchecking 'Use language locale settings' solves the problem.