mariuz / flamerobin

FlameRobin is a database administration tool for Firebird RDBMS. Our goal is to build a tool that is: lightweight (small footprint, fast execution) cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD) dependent only on other Open Source software
MIT License
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Bug, when I need to see the property of a field. #365

Closed Jhironsel closed 3 months ago

Jhironsel commented 5 months ago

This happens to me when I go to view the property of a primary key. Captura desde 2024-01-09 08-25-04

This doesn't happen when I query a field like varchar. Captura desde 2024-01-09 08-26-13

Also occurs in a boolean field. Captura desde 2024-01-09 08-32-48

Also occurs in a Date field. image

It doesn't happen in Blob fields.

It also happened in the previous version. And in this version of firebird too. Captura desde 2024-01-09 08-34-12

Debian 12.

How can I see the app's bug tracking?

Jhironsel commented 5 months ago

Captura desde 2024-01-13 16-20-07

It continues to break down in a clean environment.

Data types INTEGER, BIGINT, BOOLEAN among others.

Only with VARCHAR can the properties of the fields be displayed.

Jhironsel commented 5 months ago

Employee DB... Same Problem.

Captura desde 2024-01-13 17-11-15

Jhironsel commented 5 months ago

Working in Debian's repository. Version 0.9.6 Unicode

Captura desde 2024-01-14 01-08-26

livius2 commented 3 months ago

On Windows same problem with any BIGINT field. Doble clicking on it cause an fatal error:



if i remember correctly i had 9.0.8 previously and all was ok, so some recent change brake this.

arvanus commented 3 months ago

Please, try to use latest snapshot (you can download Windows build from latest action currently building) If it's working now, close this issue