marja-w / gan-des-midi-music-gen

Training of two GAN models on MIDI music data for the task of automated music composition.
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Papers Genetic algorithms #4

Open Kayisn opened 4 months ago

Kayisn commented 4 months ago

One of (or the first) paper on genetic algorithms for music generation @book{horner1991genetic, title={Genetic algorithms and computer-assisted music composition}, author={Horner, Andrew and Goldberg, David E}, volume={51}, year={1991}, publisher={Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library} }

Simulated Annealing @inproceedings{mo2018music, title={A music generation model for robotic composers}, author={Mo, Fan and Wang, Xingchao and Li, Shuaijun and Qian, Huihuan}, booktitle={2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)}, pages={1483--1488}, year={2018}, organization={IEEE} }

Interesting method that uses human input during training ( they mention experts but would maybe be useful for our personalization purpose) @inproceedings{farzaneh2020music, title={Music generation using an interactive evolutionary algorithm}, author={Farzaneh, Majid and Mahdian Toroghi, Rahil}, booktitle={Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence: Third Mediterranean Conference, MedPRAI 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, December 22--23, 2019, Proceedings 3}, pages={207--217}, year={2020}, organization={Springer} }