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Linux system freeze #41

Open antonio-petricca opened 3 years ago

antonio-petricca commented 3 years ago

Hi, on Linux Mint 19.3 / Ubuntu 18.04 (tested with kernel 4.15 and 5.0), the first time I plugin the Tascam US 122, the USB led does not power on, so I disconnect and reconnect it, and after few seconds it lights on, but about 30/45 seconds later the system completely freezes. In that situation I must power off the PC, not event the AltSysRq reboot works, and there are not traces in the journal logs.

Could somebody help me?

Thank you so much!

markc commented 3 years ago

Hi, we probably can't help you here so I'd suggest joining the alsa-users mailing list here at and provide a bit more info about the USB card make and model and any debug from the command line (ie; dmesg as root).

markc commented 3 years ago

I guess you have followed these steps?..

antonio-petricca commented 3 years ago

Sure, I followed the above steps, multiple times, however I got a freeze. :(

antonio-petricca commented 3 years ago

Hi, we probably can't help you here so I'd suggest joining the alsa-users mailing list here at and provide a bit more info about the USB card make and model and any debug from the command line (ie; dmesg as root).

I wrote this message to the mailing list:

Hi, I am trying to use my old Tascam US-122 on Linux Mint 19.3 / Ubuntu 18.04 equipped with kernels 4.15 and 5.0.

I followed with a lot of attention the guide at, so I fallen in the below scenario:

  1. I configured the ALSA firmware.I plugged the USB card.
  2. The USB led does not powered up
  3. .I unplugged and plugged the card again.
  4. After 30/45 seconds the US led powered on
  5. .Later after a minute or two the system freezed.
  6. I had to power off the PC because not even the AltSysRq reboots the system.

Could somebody help me?

Thank you again!

markc commented 3 years ago

FWIW both the Ubuntu and Opensrc pages about the US-122 are very old and I think there is a "L" model and maybe a MKII model now that might require a different setup procedure and perhaps different firmware. Hopefully someone from the alsa-users mailing-list is using the same hardware and can set you straight. Good luck.

antonio-petricca commented 3 years ago

I own the basic model US-122 (not L or MK-II) and the guide, I checked it, is for the model I own.