I would like to send a customised response to the server, not just action=edit etc, and so I have modified Tabledit as below.
Is there a 'proper' way to do this - so that I can use the official unmodified Tabledit. Right now I do it by writing: onAjax: function(action, serialize) { ... return my_ajax_arglist } send the server the arguments I prefer?
function ajax(action)
var serialize = $table.find('.tabledit-input').serialize() + '&action=' + action;
var result = settings.onAjax(action, serialize);
if (result === false) {
return false;
} else { //IFB 2019-05-12
serialize = result;
var jqXHR = $.post(se
I would like to send a customised response to the server, not just action=edit etc, and so I have modified Tabledit as below.
Is there a 'proper' way to do this - so that I can use the official unmodified Tabledit. Right now I do it by writing: onAjax: function(action, serialize) { ... return my_ajax_arglist } send the server the arguments I prefer?