markcellis / X-KeyPad

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Go-to-Page possible via X-KeyPad? #113

Open GladYouAsked opened 1 month ago

GladYouAsked commented 1 month ago


Is it possible to implement the "Go to Page"-functionality from the SD-Software into X-KeyPad?

Status quo:

In the Stream Deck software you can define a "Go to Page" and switch directly to the designated page.


Pro: . Configurable in SD-Software, straight-forward. Con: . Consumes at least one button per page just for navigating between pages (I have only an SD+, so there are not many buttons). . Background images to be defined in SD-Software (instead of doing this in X-KeyPad, as done for all other background images).

Feature Request (Feature 1):

It is possible to have this "Go to Page"-functionality defined/controlled in X-KeyPad? Options in X-KeyPad: . Define Target Page Number . Define if to use a Long Press or Short Press for switching to another page. . Should be applicable on buttons, touchscreens and rotary encoders.


Pro: . High flexibility, no "waste" of buttons for navigating between pages. . Use of Short Press for switching to other pages: this allows to define a Main-Selection-Page via X-Keypad and to jump to other pages. . Use of Long Press: this allows to use the Short Press for the primary function of the button, while the long press allows to switch to another page. . Displayed icons can be controlled by X-KeyPad, not set statically via SD-Software. . Could simplify some complex page-designs in X-KeyPad: Instead of defining a lot of complex definitions/logics to control which icon/text is currently displayed (e.g., for a second encoder definition on the same page), you can just switch to another pre-defined page. Con: . When modifying the page sequence in the SD-Software this needs to be adapted as well in X-KeyPad.

### Feature Request (Feature 2): Extension of Feature1: The transition back to the initial page is controlled via a timeout: When for 'timeout' seconds there is no activity on the SD, it will automatically transition back to the last page (similar feature is available in X-KeyPad for transitioning between encoder definitions). This would allow to switch to the COM-Page, set the frequency and leave it alone (It will switch back to the MainPage automatically (or whichever page was active before)).
