markdav-is / passing-aggressions

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Ask the AI about the 4 types of micro aggregations #2

Open markdav-is opened 1 year ago

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

Q: what are the 4 categories of microaggressions?

A: Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional and unconscious, expressions of bias that can be directed towards people from marginalized groups. There are various ways in which microaggressions can manifest, and different frameworks have been proposed to categorize and understand them.

One common categorization of microaggressions is into four types:

Microassaults: These are overt, intentional acts of discrimination, such as using racial slurs or making derogatory comments about someone's gender or sexual orientation.

Microinsults: These are subtle, often unintentional, statements or actions that convey a lack of respect or regard for someone's identity or group membership. Examples include using language that is stereotypical or demeaning, or questioning someone's intelligence or competence because of their identity.

Microinvalidations: These are statements or actions that negate or invalidate someone's feelings, experiences, or identity. Examples include dismissing someone's perspective or feelings, or denying the existence of discrimination or oppression.

Microaggressions in the form of micro-inequities: These are subtle, often unintentional, acts of discrimination or exclusion that result in inequities and disadvantages for certain groups. Examples include being passed over for opportunities or promotions, or being treated unfairly in the workplace.

It's important to note that microaggressions can occur in various settings, including interpersonal interactions, workplaces, educational institutions, and other contexts. They can also be directed at individuals or groups based on a variety of identities, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ability, among others.

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

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