markdav-is / passing-aggressions

An Idea for a card game.
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ask for 7 example of each microaggression #4

Open markdav-is opened 1 year ago

markdav-is commented 1 year ago




Microaggressions in the form of micro-inequities:

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

Microassaults are overt, intentional acts of discrimination, such as using racial slurs or making derogatory comments about someone's gender or sexual orientation. Here are seven examples of microassaults:

Using racial slurs or derogatory language to describe someone based on their race, ethnicity, or skin color.

Making derogatory comments or jokes about someone's gender, sexual orientation, or identity.

Refusing to use someone's preferred pronouns or name, or intentionally misgendering them.

Making threats or engaging in physical violence against someone because of their identity.

Refusing to serve someone or denying them access to services or facilities because of their identity.

Displaying hate symbols or other materials that are meant to intimidate or harm people from marginalized groups.

Publicly posting or sharing personal information, such as someone's address or phone number, with the intention of harassing or intimidating them.

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

Microinsults are subtle, often unintentional, statements or actions that convey a lack of respect or regard for someone's identity or group membership. Here are seven examples of microinsults:

Using language or terms that are stereotypical or demeaning towards someone based on their identity.

Asking someone from a marginalized group to speak on behalf of their entire community or to explain something related to their identity.

Belittling or dismissing someone's perspective or feelings because of their identity.

Refusing to listen or pay attention to someone's concerns or experiences because of their identity.

Assuming that someone's abilities or interests are limited because of their identity.

Telling someone that they "don't look" or "act" like a member of their identity group.

Using language or terms that are culturally appropriative or that appropriate someone's identity.

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

Microinvalidations are statements or actions that negate or invalidate someone's feelings, experiences, or identity. Here are seven examples of microinvalidations:

Dismissing someone's experiences or feelings because they don't align with your own.

Denying the existence of discrimination or oppression, or minimizing the impact of these experiences on someone's life.

Telling someone that their feelings or experiences are "not a big deal" or "not a real problem."

Refusing to acknowledge or recognize someone's identity or group membership, or denying their right to self-identify.

Disregarding or dismissing someone's perspective or experiences because they are different from your own.

Refusing to listen to or believe someone's accounts of discrimination or oppression they have experienced.

Belittling or mocking someone's cultural traditions, customs, or beliefs.

markdav-is commented 1 year ago

Micro-inequities are subtle, often unintentional, acts of discrimination or exclusion that result in inequities and disadvantages for certain groups. Here are seven examples of micro-inequities used as a microaggression:

Being passed over for opportunities or promotions because of one's identity, even when qualified for the position.

Being treated unfairly or differently in the workplace because of one's identity, such as receiving less support or recognition from colleagues or superiors.

Being excluded from social or professional networks or events because of one's identity.

Being given less favorable assignments or tasks because of one's identity.

Being treated unfairly in the hiring process because of one's identity, such as being asked inappropriate or discriminatory questions during an interview.

Being subjected to microaggressions or other forms of discrimination in the workplace because of one's identity.

Being unfairly held to different standards or expectations because of one's identity, such as being expected to work longer hours or be more flexible than others.