markdown / discussion

Discussion surrounding the advancement of Markdown and standardization of existing language extensions
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Been working on a simple method to build diagrams with get parameters. #5

Open howardroark opened 10 years ago

howardroark commented 10 years ago

The idea is pretty simple... Make a service that uses get params to build diagrams as you write. The goal being to better facilitate a continuous train of thought. The way that markdown deals with new lines ends up making the schema pretty decent to look at. As of right now the service uses phantomjs to parse a document which runs a really cool tool that uses Jison to turn natural language into sequence diagrams.

I have been having a lot of success getting non-tech writers into markdown and github in general. I'd love some thoughts around this. Does it have potential? Seem useful? I am thinking Venn diagrams would be a nice option.

Here is an example of what I have so far (still buggy)...

    "Andrew-->China: Says Hello",
    "Note right of China: China thinks about it",
    "China-->Andrew: How are you?",
    "Andrew-->>China: I am goodie thanks!"

Results in this... ![sequence]([ "Andrew-->China: Says Hello", "Note right of China: China thinks about it", "China-->Andrew: How are you?", "Andrew-->>China: I am goodie thanks!" ])