The expressions findbuff and findtype are both implemented but there doesn't seem to be one to check for the existence of a specific known item or entity. Having such an expression named "find" would be consistent with the naming scheme for lift and lifttype.
As for an example, let's say you have a reagent bag with an organizer assigned to it. Obviously you can easily lose this. You could use a macro to trigger the organizer but if the bag can't be found the script requests you assign a new one first.
// Fires organizer 4. If it can't be found then it asks the player to assign a new one.
if not find 'regbag'
setvar 'regbag'
organizer 4 'set'
target 'regbag'
organizer 4
The expressions findbuff and findtype are both implemented but there doesn't seem to be one to check for the existence of a specific known item or entity. Having such an expression named "find" would be consistent with the naming scheme for lift and lifttype.
As for an example, let's say you have a reagent bag with an organizer assigned to it. Obviously you can easily lose this. You could use a macro to trigger the organizer but if the bag can't be found the script requests you assign a new one first.