markdwags / Razor

Razor is a free tool designed to help with simple tasks while playing Ultima Online.
GNU General Public License v3.0
134 stars 90 forks source link

[Question]: In depth build instructions? #190

Closed mythril closed 2 years ago

mythril commented 2 years ago

I am trying to figure out how I can contribute to the project. I'm running into errors with a simple:

msbuild Razor.sln

and on Mono

xbuild Razor.sln

So I was hoping there was a more detailed set of instructions for building Razor somewhere.

Here are a handful of related questions: What .NET SDK version is it targeting? Does it build on Linux w/ Mono? ---> How? Can it be built from the command line? Do I have to use Visual Studio?

dallenwilson commented 2 years ago

I've never been able to get it to build using Mono, but I use Gentoo and the whole mono ecosystem is a bit of a pig's breakfast on that distro, so I count myself lucky I can run Razor at all.

I use Win10 under a VM to build Razor and ClassicUO both, and I use Visual Studio Community Edition to do it. It's free. I've never tried building it from a command line with Windows, so I can't help you there.

I believe the build target is .Net 4.7.2, currently.

As far as detailed build instructions, I just load the .sln and hit 'build solution' and everything Just Works.

I'm not associated with the project in any way, just a user who patches the occasional linux-specific bug when they happen to bite me long enough.

Good luck!