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Razor is a free tool designed to help with simple tasks while playing Ultima Online.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Linux & ClassicUO - Razor hangs when user logs out after running a macro #196

Closed Phalkon27 closed 1 year ago

Phalkon27 commented 1 year ago

I noticed that whenever I run macros or scripts through the appropriate tabs in Razor (not by pressing a hotkey), Razor will hang when I eventually try to log out which forces user to kill it and that prevents Razor from saving any changes made to the profile (hotkeys, settings, etc.).

I'm using Razor build downloaded directly through from this GitHub page with ClassicUO on Linux.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any crash logs from Razor. ClassicUO logs don't show anything out of the ordinary.


Whenever user logs out after running a macro/script through the play button on the Macros or Scripts tab, Razor will hang and won't save any changes made to the profile.

Steps to reproduce

Open ClassicUO with Razor plugin on Linux
Log in
Open either Macros or Scripts tab in Razor window
Run any macro/script by clicking the "Play" button
Stop macro/script and try to log out

Expected Results After logging out Razor will save changes made to the profile and close.

What actually happened Razor hangs forcing user to kill the process and lose any changes made to the Razor profile.

Phalkon27 commented 1 year ago

I just discovered, this bug doesn't seem to be present in Razor v1.7.0.12. It looks like it was introduced in v1.7.1.7 and stayed present through all the future updates and is still there in v1.7.4.49 (latest). Hope it helps.

Phalkon27 commented 1 year ago

Seems to be fixed in Razor v1.8.61.0

Phalkon27 commented 1 year ago

Hmm... I might have spoken too soon. There still seems to be random freezes at logout, I'm just not able to replicate them reliably. Razor v1.7.0.12 is still working fine though.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Experiencing the same bug. Can't seem to isolate it on latest development and stable (v1.9.77.0) releases. My workaround is just to save my Razor profile before quitting, if I've made significant changes. Since macros and scripts are flat files, they aren't affected.