markekraus / PSMSGraph

A PowerShell module for the Microsoft Graph API
MIT License
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100% Code Coverage for Invoke-GraphRequest #21

Open markekraus opened 7 years ago

markekraus commented 7 years ago

Code coverage report: Covered 0 % of 66 analyzed Commands in Invoke-GraphRequest Missed commands:

Line Command
134 Write-Verbose "Performing token refresh"
135 $AccessToken
135 Update-GraphOauthAccessToken -ErrorAction Stop
138 $ErrorMessage = "Unable to refresh Access Token '{0}': {1}" -f $AccessToken.GUID, $_.Exception.Message
139 Write-Error $ErrorMessage
142 if (-not $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Uri")) { ...
145 Write-Verbose "Set base parameters"
146 $Params = @{ ...
147 ContentType = $ContentType
148 Uri = $Uri
149 WebSession = $AccessToken.Session
150 Method = $Method
151 ErrorAction = 'Stop'
153 if ($Body) { ...
154 Write-Verbose "Setting Body Parameter"
155 $Params['Body'] = $Body
157 if ($TimeoutSec) { ...
158 Write-Verbose "Setting TimeoutSec Parameter"
159 $Params['TimeoutSec'] = $TimeoutSec
161 Write-Verbose "Setting Headers Parameter"
162 $Params['Headers'] = @{ }
163 if ($Headers) { ...
164 Write-Verbose "Setting user supplied headers"
165 $Params['Headers'] = $Headers
167 Write-Verbose "Setting Authorization header"
168 $Params['Headers']['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {0}' -f $AccessToken.GetAccessToken()
169 $RequestedDate = Get-Date
171 $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @Params
172 $ReceivedDate = Get-Date
175 $response = $_.Exception.Response
176 $Stream = $response.GetResponseStream()
177 $Stream.Position = 0
178 $StreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $Stream
179 $ResponseBody = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
180 $ErrorMessage = "Unable to query Uri '{0}': {1}: {2}" -f $Uri, $_.Exception.Message, $ResponseBody
181 Set-Variable -Scope global -Name _invokeGraphRequestException -Value $_
182 Write-Error -message $ErrorMessage -Exception $_.Exception
185 Write-Verbose "Truncating Authorization header"
187 $Params['Headers']['Authorization'] = '{0}...{1}<truncated>' -f $Params.Headers.Authorization.Substring(0, 25), ...
188 $Params.Headers.Authorization.Length - 11
191 Write-Verbose "No Authorization header to truncate"
193 $Result.Headers.'Content-Type'
194 $_ -match 'application/json'
195 Write-Verbose "Converting result from JSON to PSObject"
196 $ConentObject = $Result.Content ...
196 $ConentObject = $Result.Content ...
199 $_ -match 'application/xml'
200 Write-Verbose "Converting result from XML to PSObject"
201 [xml]$ConentObject = $Result.Content
205 Write-Verbose "Unhandled Content-Type. ContentObject will be raw."
206 $ConentObject = $Result.Content
209 Write-Verbose "Setting LastRequestDate on Access Token"
210 $AccessToken.LastRequestDate = $RequestedDate
211 [pscustomobject]@{ ...
212 PSTypeName = 'MSGraphAPI.RequestResult'
213 Result = $Result
214 Uri = $Uri
215 Headers = $Params.Headers
216 InvokeWebRequestParameters = $Params
217 ContentType = $ContentType
218 TimeoutSec = $TimeoutSec
219 Body = $Body
220 RequestedDate = $RequestedDate
221 RecievedDate = $ReceivedDate
222 AccessToken = $AccessToken
223 ContentObject = $ConentObject