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Projects page - filter #7

Open danielgeen opened 2 years ago

danielgeen commented 2 years ago

Could i please have categories on all the projects that are the same as the services...? kitchen, laundry, bathroom, joinery.

Then please make the filter on the main project page have these as the options.

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markendley commented 2 years ago

I just changed the WP admin, so to access Services is now a taxonomy of Projects.

If you wanna edit the Services page they're under "Projects".

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markendley commented 2 years ago

So now you can assign a service to each Project.

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markendley commented 2 years ago

After I did this, I realized that each "Recent projects" page on each "Service" page should show the projects assigned to the service. For example the "Recent projects" section on this page should slide through all the projects that are assigned to "Bathroom rennovationbs".

So this is done too.

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danielgeen commented 2 years ago

Thanks mate. Perfect with the categories. But could the recent projects just be all projects instead of say kitchens on the kitchen page?

only because we dont have many projects to launch. We can change that in the future when we add more...

markendley commented 2 years ago

easy :)