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Redux, Writing, Responsibilities, Burnout, and a Request for Help #27

Open markerikson opened 3 years ago

markerikson commented 3 years ago

Original author: Shawn McKay @ShMcK
Original date: 2018-06-18T04:09:13Z

Mark, I'm a fan. Realize anyone reading this post is nothing but grateful, if not a bit guilty for not helping more.

I understand how open source can become a full-time job if you let it.

Also understand that people rarely step up to the job if someone is responding helpfully to every thread, every tweet, and managing every PR and issue. Gaps can create greater participation. I hope you don't feel obligated to keep using your time and energy if doesn't bring you the same happiness it once did. Trust everything will be fine in time :)

You're amazing. I hope you can stop feeling obligated and start feeling happier again.

markerikson commented 3 years ago

Original author: Michael South
Original date: 2018-06-20T03:15:10Z

I'm game to take on the links.

If you're agonizing about spending enough time taking care of Redux et al, then you're spending too much time on it. Drop out of sight for a month - no one's going to die. Not even you :) Though you might go crazy the first couple of weeks.

markerikson commented 3 years ago

Original author: JM Myers @jm_myers
Original date: 2018-06-22T19:43:47Z

Hey Mark, thanks for all your contributions so far, they have been a huge help for me over the past year from when I was creating my own app, to working with react at my current job. Thanks again

markerikson commented 3 years ago

Original date: 2018-07-01T01:48:30Z

I just put up an issue asking for help maintaining the list:

If you're still interested in helping, leave a comment over there. Thanks!

(And yeah, I'm about to take some time off shortly. We'll see how much I actually manage to stay away from social media and stuff.)

markerikson commented 3 years ago

Original date: 2018-07-01T01:52:39Z

Appreciate the kind words.

Yeah, I suppose it is a bit of a paradox there, isn't it? If someone else is always doing the work, there's not a need for "you" to step up and help out as much.

I'll be okay in the long run, but yeah, I need to take this off my plate and find some better balance.

(And fwiw, what little I've seen of Rematch so far seems intriguing, I just don't have any time to play with it myself.)