markerikson / react-redux-links

Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more
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Potential Links Dump - 2018-06-29 #98

Open markerikson opened 6 years ago

markerikson commented 6 years ago

Per my post at Redux, Writing, Responsibilities, Burnout, and a Request for Help, trying to keep this list updated on a weekly-ish basis has become too much of a mental weight for me.

I still read a ton of articles anyway, but trying to catalog them every week isn't something I want to deal with at this point.

For now, I'm going to dump my accumulated backlog of potential links to be considered for inclusion, and move on. (FWIW, I threw together a small Python script to scrape, convert, and archive tagged links from my Pocket list.)

If anyone would like to take on the task for reviewing and adding this, please do so and file PRs!