Setup Database Seeder to seed the factories and create dummy users and dummy posts
Implements GET route for User Specific Posts
How to Test
Run the following commands first
composer install - To install vendor folder and all composer packages
Then you create a .env file with refrence to the .env,example and add your database settings
Then Run the following commands
php artisan migrate - To migrate the Tables to your Database
php artisan db:seed - Seed the tables created with fake data
php artisan serve - Serve the App on a local server on you rmachine
What does this PR do?
Setup User Factory with Faker for Fake Data
Setup Post Factory with Faker for Fake Data
Setup Database Seeder to seed the factories and create dummy users and dummy posts
Implements GET route for User Specific Posts
How to Test Run the following commands first
composer install
- To install vendor folder and all composer packages Then you create a .env file with refrence to the .env,example and add your database settings Then Run the following commandsphp artisan migrate
- To migrate the Tables to your Databasephp artisan db:seed
- Seed the tables created with fake dataphp artisan serve
- Serve the App on a local server on you rmachineScreenshots