Closed chiedo closed 9 years ago
Sounds like you installed django-node from pypi, not from github.
You need to ensure you installed django-node
from github before you install django-react
like this:
pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+
Otherwise django-node will trigger a download from pypi, which is out of date.
@markfinger, maybe you could include a minimum version number in the requirements so that it will fail to install using the pypi version?
Hey, I am pretty sure I did the above as I was following the readme.
I checked out the source here though
I'm not seeing the base_service package there. You sure the django-react repo doesn't need to be updated?
Sorry if the mistake is on my end.
Its complaining about django-node
not django-react
The module is here:
I actually managed to replicate the problem. If I pip installed from the then latest commit, it overrode the django-node version and rolled it back to the latest from pypi - which had an incompatible API.
Anyway, the codebases have stabilised for the moment, so I've gone through and updated PyPI with the latest codebases for everything. So you can now pip install django-react
and everything should work fine.
Thanks for reporting the issue, Chiedo, and thanks for trying to fix it, Michael! :balloon:
Thanks Mark, I was actually about to let you know that this morning so I'm glad to replicated the problem also on your end!
Thanks for your help also Michael!
Hey there, I'm getting the error
No module named base_service
Error at line 4:
from django_node.base_service import BaseService
in django-react/django_react/services/init.pyIt looks like base_service is no longer part of the django_node package.
Any ideas?