@markgar Slight deviation from standard semantic versioning... I think I mostly captured what you were thinking, but feel free to modify the yml pipeline (specifically this line: Version: '$(Major).$(Minor).$(Patch).$(Build)-preview') if you wanted it to be slightly different.
You should be able to get this to work as is by merging in and then configuring a new service connection to Nuget.org with an API Key. You will then need to modify line 39 of azure-pipelines-preview.yml to have the name of the service connection (publishFeedCredentials: 'nuget.org'). If you name it nuget.org, it should just straight up work.
I started looking at github actions for this, and I think it will be doable eventually, but there are currently some bugs that I would like to see worked out first. I've subscribed to this thread to keep my eye on it: https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/8580#issuecomment-531997703
@markgar Slight deviation from standard semantic versioning... I think I mostly captured what you were thinking, but feel free to modify the yml pipeline (specifically this line: Version: '$(Major).$(Minor).$(Patch).$(Build)-preview') if you wanted it to be slightly different.
You should be able to get this to work as is by merging in and then configuring a new service connection to Nuget.org with an API Key. You will then need to modify line 39 of azure-pipelines-preview.yml to have the name of the service connection (publishFeedCredentials: 'nuget.org'). If you name it nuget.org, it should just straight up work.
I started looking at github actions for this, and I think it will be doable eventually, but there are currently some bugs that I would like to see worked out first. I've subscribed to this thread to keep my eye on it: https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/8580#issuecomment-531997703