markguinn / silverstripe-shop-extendedpricing

Submodule for Silverstripe Shop adding pricing levels based on group (wholesale, etc) and per-item sale pricing.
MIT License
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Group price not work correct in live for ONSITE payment #10

Open cuongqle opened 5 years ago

cuongqle commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am using Payment express gateway, and using group module to give a special price for some group, first of all for wholesale group. In my local, it working fine, all prices look correct, order item saved wholesale price, order preview also look fine. But in live, all steps before payment are correct (using payment express), but after payment, all order, order item get base price (original price) instead of wholesale price. Not too sure where is the problem.

Can you give some tip on this? Thanks

cuongqle commented 5 years ago


I debugged code, and noticed that Member session has lost when it get redirect from payment page: This method: updateSellingPrice on HasGroupPricing.php

$member = Member::currentUser(); <== NULL

And $price doesn't get updated. I have applied SSL for my site, and seem this cause losing session issue, but not too sure how to fix it?

Do you have any idea? Thanks