markhoerth / dremio_client

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Got Segmentation fault while using flight.query #206

Open motybz opened 3 years ago

motybz commented 3 years ago


I executed the following query: 'SELECT ts FROM s3."my-bucket".motibz.velodyne WHERE dir0=\'95fa\' AND dir1=\'drive_id=5e329d63bd724a000126d9b2\' AND ts>=569999927.0 AND ts<=570000927.0 ORDER BY ts' And I got the following error Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault If I add another column it works perfectly: 'SELECT x,ts FROM s3."my-bucket".motibz.velodyne WHERE dir0=\'95fa\' AND dir1=\'drive_id=5e329d63bd724a000126d9b2\' AND ts>=569999927.0 AND ts<=570000927.0 ORDER BY ts' If I'm executing the "problematic" query throw the dremio UI SQL editor it works perfectly image

Unfortunately, there is no traceback but core...

The returned data info is:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1716 entries, 0 to 1715 Data columns (total 2 columns): Column Non-Null Count Dtype
0 x 1716 non-null float64 1 ts 1716 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2) memory usage: 26.9 KB