markhuot / craft-pest
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Does not play ball with the link field plugin #82

Closed bleepsandblops closed 1 year ago

bleepsandblops commented 1 year ago

With Pest activated, when creating a new link field, I get: Calling unknown method: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField::factoryTypeHint() in "__string_template__2feea56560234f273691feaa93ef7d61" at line 7

markhuot commented 1 year ago

Is the craft-pest plugin installed in the Craft UI? There’s a behavior that provides that method in the plugin init and the only reason I can think it would go missing would be if the plugin is not enabled.

Related: I’m looking at having everything run without needing to install the plugin. But that’s still a PR away and not in a release yet.

JodebaDigitalPulse commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue, the two plugins are enabled. The registration of the behaviour is executed (I can dump something there before errors are thrown).

Full output:

./vendor/bin/pest --verbose

   FAIL  Tests\ExampleTest
  ⨯ it Loads the homepage


  • Tests\ExampleTest > it Loads the homepage

  Calling unknown method: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField::factoryTypeHint() in "__string_template__2feea56560234f273691feaa93ef7d61" at line 7

  at vendor/craftcms/cms/src/helpers/Template.php:116
    112▕             // Copy twig_get_attribute()'s BadMethodCallException handling
    113▕             if ($ignoreStrictCheck || !$env->isStrictVariables()) {
    114▕                 return null;
    115▕             }
  ➜ 116▕             throw new RuntimeError($e->getMessage(), -1, $source);
    117▕         }
    118▕     }
    120▕     /**

  1   vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php:904

  2   vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php:675

  3   vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php:675

  4   vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php:653

  5   vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php:144

  6   vendor/pestphp/pest/src/Console/Command.php:119

  7   vendor/pestphp/pest/bin/pest:62

  8   vendor/pestphp/pest/bin/pest:63

  9   vendor/bin/pest:120
markhuot commented 1 year ago

Ah, this is because the field doesn't call parent::behaviors() so EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS is never run.

Link field inherits from ForeignField which defines it's behaviors() as,

Which overrides the default functionality of,

This fix will be that ForeignField needs to call the parent in order to retain this behavior. I've opened a PR with a potential fix,

JodebaDigitalPulse commented 1 year ago

thx! 🙌

markhuot commented 1 year ago

I'm going to close this issue since the root cause is not in craft-pest. Hopefully merges soon and resolves this! Feel free to jump over to that PR and submit bump the thread if you have more questions.