markiv / SwiftUI-Shimmer

Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, and across iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS.
MIT License
1.04k stars 60 forks source link

I cannot run M1 #13

Closed BardiyevAbdulla closed 9 months ago

BardiyevAbdulla commented 10 months ago

it runs with Rosseta but it doesn't run without Rosseta. Xcode version 14.3.1

Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 5 48 41 PM
markiv commented 10 months ago

I'm using it exclusively without Rosetta.

Please try some of the following:

  1. Clean your build folder (Xcode: Product > Clean Build Folder)
  2. Reset package caches (Xcode: File > Packages > Reset Package Caches)
  3. Delete derived data rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and/or
  4. Delete the Swift package cache at ~/Library/org.swift.swiftpm

I've seen similar problems before when switching between Rosetta and M1.