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How to serve Images from CDN (MaxCDN) without using any WordPress plugin #11

Closed TanmayAhmed closed 10 years ago

TanmayAhmed commented 10 years ago

I want to serve my site images from a subdomain hosted by MaxCDN. I don't want to install any caching plugin (W3TC or WP Super Cache).

timnashcouk commented 10 years ago

I know it's ask Mark anything and you have specified no plugin but have you tried It has a CDN component that can be uploaded independently, so while technically a plugin is tiny.

I use it to do pretty much exactly what you describe, If you want a step by step just jump to Set-up WP-Stack (to avoid the CloudFront bits as you are using maxCDN) but it really is a case of upload plugin, add two defines to wp-config.

markjaquith commented 10 years ago

@timnashcouk is right: you can use the WP Stack CDN drop-in. It just filters your output and points static resources to a CDN domain that you specify. I use MaxCDN myself, this way, and all users of Pressable hosting are using my drop-in.