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Git/Wordpress setup questions for 2015 #47

Open nilblank opened 9 years ago

nilblank commented 9 years ago

Hi Mark,

Let me begin by apologizing for bringing such a basic set questions to you.

The truth is, I'm very much at the beginning of this relationship with Wordpress and Git. My background is in writing, journalism, design (of the non-coding variety) and photography.

I do have some decent understanding of how to manipulate things at the command line but I am no coder, just someone trying to move more in that direction.

In the process of trying to figure out the idiosyncrasies of the Git/Wordpress setup, I've watched your videos and read many of your posts. I'm mindful that some of the more informative step-by-step posts are older, and so they might not represent the best practices for such a workflow as we near 2015.

As new as I am to this, I do want to start with a foundation based on the best practices for flexibility, scalability, and performance. At least then, I'll be less likely to wind up kicking myself when I start understanding all the relationships better.

Which brings me to my questions (if they are too onerous to address, feel free to fob me off with a curt "sorry"):

  1. In your article ( — admittedly 3 years old — you refer to using git-svn-diff to make WP's native version work with Git. Is this still a necessary step? Do you still use this method or have developments in WP and plugins made this obsolete?
  2. Are you familiar with Revisr? Do you recommend its use? Is it a useful addition to the Git/WP workflow? Will using it impact performance negatively?
  3. If you were starting a blog site from scratch, hosting it on DigitalOcean, what steps would you take to setup the server, remote host, and local so that everything worked smoothly?
  4. What packages, plugins and setups are crucial to your Git/WP setup?
  5. How do you manage database syncing for your Git setups? WP Migrate dB Pro? Something else?
  6. If you have a server with a LEMP setup and Git installed, with a Wordpress repository ready to be deployed from Bitbucket/Github, are there any special last minute preparations you would make on the server? Should WP already be installed on the server?
  7. Where should the Git-managed WP instance be located on the server? Example, "/var/www/html" or "/var/www/html/wp/" or somewhere else entirely.

I hope that wasn't too painful to consider. I'm grateful for any insight you can provide.

Thanks in advance.

ibjhb commented 9 years ago
