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SEO: Site Speed vs Site Security (SSL) Encryption #60

Closed Dima11235813 closed 8 years ago

Dima11235813 commented 9 years ago

I imagine that you have often made the decision of whether to SSL or not.

Recently I watched a great video all about how can we protect the internet against surveillance. You can search for it on Youtube - under the Stanford channel. (HINT: Make use of university lectures published for free online, JK of course you already are taking advantage of this, I hope) So I know a good amount about SEO but not very much about encryption. I do know that, SSL handshakes increase page load time. It seems that it might hurt SEO to have an HTTPS site. This stack overflow page says people should check whether HTTPS or HTTP is better. You can search StackOverflow for HTTP vs HTTPS performance.

Here is another site that says HTTPS will help SEO. You can search SEO roundtable for google ssl https ranking signal.

The trouble here is that the best suggestion I heard was to set up SSL or take it down and just see what happens(in terms of your organic rank) - not ideal IMO. Unfortunately, this is the type of scenario we get when we get mixed signals from Google. Thoughts?

I plan to do research in the next week and will publish my findings here. I am new to this forum and wanted to get a convo started. Interested in intelligent debate and not self-linking, unless the link has answers without a price tag. Thanks and I look forward to continuing this conversation

markjaquith commented 8 years ago

Honestly, I'd just go for it. And it shouldn't hurt your SSL. On the contrary, I believe Google is preferring SSL sites these days.