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Using VelocityPages with WordPress Templates? #71

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

So, I've convinced the company I work with to use VelocityPage instead of Visual Composer, but, I know that WP templates will be bought and handed over to me for sites I will be making soon. So, I'm wondering what kind of pain in the ass it would be to take a WP template that was bought and prepare it to be fully developed out using VelocityPage? Even if you feel this isn't a great pattern, I already have templates that have been bought for me load into WP and customize, I just don't want to use Visual Composer anymore, I want to use VelocityPage, will I need to copy the source that's generated for each page and then build with VelocityPage from this source or do you see any other options for making this work?