markjaquith / page-links-to

#WordPressPlugin: Lets you make a WordPress page (or other content type) link to an external URL of your choosing, instead of its WordPress URL.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Exclude posts with links to from Yoast SEO sitemap #138

Open grappler opened 3 years ago

grappler commented 3 years ago

As posts with links point to other pages or other sites, the links should not be included in the sitemap. Here is how I solved for Yoast SEO. This is more for information if anyone else is looking into this then a feature request. Though doing something like this for the new default WP sitemap may be an idea.

 * Allow extending and modifying the posts to exclude.
 * @param array $posts_to_exclude The posts to exclude.
    function( $excluded_posts_ids ): array {
        // Fetch all posts with link to.
        $query = new WP_Query(
                'post_type'              => 'any',
                'meta_key'               => '_links_to',
                'posts_per_page'         => -1,
                'fields'                 => 'ids',
                'no_found_rows'          => true,
                'update_post_term_cache' => false,
        if ( $query->posts ) {
            return $excluded_posts_ids + $query->posts;
        return $excluded_posts_ids;
Zodiac1978 commented 1 year ago

I have run in this problem as well, and I am looking for a solution to solve this with the native sitemap feature.

Zodiac1978 commented 1 year ago

This works for me (this will exclude all pages which have a new URL set up via the "Page links to" plugin from the sitemap):

    function( $args, $post_type ) {
        if ( 'page' !== $post_type ) {
            return $args;

        $args['meta_query']   = isset( $args['meta_query'] ) ? $args['meta_query'] : array();
        $args['meta_query'][] = array(
            'key'     => '_links_to',
            'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',

        return $args;
gholm commented 1 month ago

It looks like these are now automatically excluded from the sitemap, at least in Yoast.

However, I'm looking for the exact opposite of this: I'd like to show the "Page Links To" URLs in the sitemap. How would I go about that, please?