marklawlor / nativewind

React Native utility-first universal design system - powered by Tailwind CSS
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v4 cssInterop does not work with custom native component #891

Open ospfranco opened 3 weeks ago

ospfranco commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug I'm trying to apply native wind styles to a native component, the component is very bare-bones:

class BlurViewManager: RCTViewManager {
  override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
    return true

  override func view() -> NSView! {
    return BlurView()

When I try to import it and apply cssInterop to it:

import {requireNativeComponent, ViewStyle} from 'react-native'

import {cssInterop} from 'nativewind'

export const BlurView = requireNativeComponent<{
  children?: any
  onLayout?: (e: any) => void
  startColor?: string
  endColor?: string
  style?: ViewStyle
  cornerRadius?: number
  disabled?: boolean
  className?: string

// export const BlurView = (...props: any) => <BlurViewNative {...props} />

cssInterop(BlurView, {
  className: 'style',

However on runtime I get the following error:

Oscar Franco Screen 001343

ospfranco commented 3 weeks ago

I managed to get this working, seems the cssInterop call is passing an array of props and not and object, therefore the destructuring is actually not working:

import {requireNativeComponent, ViewStyle} from 'react-native'

import {cssInterop} from 'nativewind'

export const BlurViewNative = requireNativeComponent<{
  children?: any
  onLayout?: (e: any) => void
  startColor?: string
  endColor?: string
  style?: ViewStyle
  cornerRadius?: number
  disabled?: boolean
  className?: string

export const BlurView = (props: any) => {
  return <BlurViewNative {...props} />

cssInterop(BlurView, {
  className: 'style',

Is this a bug? I'm not sure, maybe at least it needs to be documented properly