marklawlor / nativewind

React Native utility-first universal design system - powered by Tailwind CSS
MIT License
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Some utilities classes of tailwind not works in NativeWind V4 #898

Open hamidradical opened 2 weeks ago

hamidradical commented 2 weeks ago

I am using latest version of expo with expo-router and due to expo router i had to installed nativewind for support of expo router.

And i also use react native paper. here below tailwind css not works.

`import { Card, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native-paper';

<Button // style={{ borderRadius: 4 }} className='bg-emerald-900 text-green-400 rounded-none' icon="login" mode="contained" onPress={() => router.push('/summary')}> LOGIN `

this className='bg-emerald-900 text-green-400 rounded-none' style works on nativewind v2.0.x.

And your work for nativewind v4 is so great.

verifund-admin commented 1 week ago

I'm having the same issue. Can you check what your output file looks like at ./node_modules/.cache/nativewind/global.css? I'm only seeing a handful of utility classes being defined. For example, I only have py-3 utility class defined, therefore that's the only style that works when running locally.

When I deploy to prod, it seems to be working fine though.