markleary / grav-plugin-loginldap

Grav LoginLdap Plugin
MIT License
5 stars 4 forks source link

Use LoginLdap with Admin plugin? #2

Open elliotlewis opened 7 years ago

elliotlewis commented 7 years ago

Not an issue. Just a question.

I've got Admin installed, and have hacked it's check for login plugin. But can LoginLdap be integrated so I can login to the Admin with AD creds?

markleary commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I do not have any experience with admin plugin - but I did use the login plugin code as a base for loginldap, so it shouldn't be too hard to get working.

rbukovansky commented 7 years ago

I've additional question for this. Would be possible to make Login and LoginLDAP plugins work side by side? Thing is, I'm going to use LDAP login for pages, but for Admin I would like to use its own login mechanism using Login plugin, as I just need one account separated from accounts used for login to pages.


markleary commented 7 years ago

Possibly... I know the concept of users is baked into Grav and the login plugins just build on that. I'm not sure if that kind of compatibility would also require changes to grav-plugin-login. It's been a while since I've looked at the code, and I don't have the time to right now... but if you or someone else wants to take a stab at it I'd be happy to merge the changes if you can get it working in a logical way.

gitirabassi commented 7 years ago

The problem is with the admin plugin not the loginldap

xf- commented 6 years ago

I found - it is for admin plugin.