marklogic-community / Corona

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Allow transform on input #61

Closed hunterhacker closed 12 years ago

hunterhacker commented 12 years ago

Colleen had the idea to enable transforms on input.

We agree this isn't as important as transforms on output. That's because on output you can save yourself a big data transfer, while on input you've already made the big data transfer. But it does seem like a nice to have.

Implementation-wise you could specify an applyTransform parameter on insertion. Easy.

It might also be possible to do applyPipeline if someone setup an Info Studio pipeline separately. Have to think and research about that one.

eedeebee commented 12 years ago

I asked Ryan for this one a while ago as well. I think it's valuable. Why store (and index) stuff you don't care about? Also enables someone to "fixup" data on the way in or add some additional information.

ryangrimm commented 12 years ago

When inserting or updating content an applyTransform parameter can now be supplied.